La nueva versión de Shadowlands Beta Build ya ha llegado. Os mostramos Iconos, Mapas, Facciones, Monturas, Monedas, Áreas, Títulos, Instancias, Logros y Globalstrings.
- Iconos
- Mapas
- Facciones
- Monturas
- Monedas
- Áreas
- Títulos
- Instancias
- Logros
- Globalstrings
Cambios en Facciones
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Casa de los Elegidos ::
TBD - Salto del Pecado ::
Revendreth - Los Declarados :: Fiercely devoted to the Accuser, these archivists seek to restore and catalog the sinstones fragmented by the Lord Chamberlain and his Inquisitor allies.
- El Ejército Inmortal (dechado) ::
TBDLong ago, the Primus established the five houses of Maldraxxus to build the ultimate fighting force. Through might, cleverness, and guile, this unyielding armada is pledged to defend the Shadowlands against all threats. - Los Ascendidos (dechado) :: Kyrian who complete the arduous process of purging their mortal encumbrances are deemed worthy of the rite of ascension, earning their wings and pledging eternal service to the Archon.
- Corte de los Cosechadores (dechado) ::
RevendrethAfter countless ages spent under the rule of Sire Denathrius, authority in Revendreth is now shared amongst the Court of Harvesters. These noble venthyr carry out the sacred duty of redeeming prideful souls. - Baronesa Vashj :: This restless leader of the naga is watching and judging.
- Lady Bayalunar :: A mercurial member of the Court of Night, Lady Moonberry is known for her tricks as well as her influence.
- Mikanikos :: As Forgelite Prime of Bastion, Mikanikos is always tinkering with new inventions.
- La condesa :: As Revendreth’s premier party host and socialite, the Countess has an outsized influence on public perception.
- Alexandros Mograine :: The Ashbringer has spent lifetimes in war, never allowed his final rest.
- Capitana de caza Korayn :: A fearsome fighter, Hunt-Captain Korayn has no patience for ceremony.
- Polemarca Adrestes :: Always on duty, this stoic ascended must be ordered to have a good time, even at a party.
- Rendle y Caragarrote :: Hard workers deserve appreciation. And few work harder for Sinfall than Rendle and Cudgelface.
- Choofa :: Choofa and his friends are party animals, in every meaning of the phrase.
- Guardacriptas Kassir :: Stubborn and principled, Cryptkeeper Kassir will always fight for what he believes in.
- Droman Aliothe :: The great bear Aliothe is a wild god, but she is not primitive.
- Gran maestro Vole :: Vole’s dedication to overseeing the Theater of Pain is undeniable.
- Kleia y Pelagos :: These soulbinds are strongest together, and their friends amongst the venthyr will be pleased to see them again.
- Sika :: This single remarkable steward keeps all of Bastion operational.
- Cabeza Pétrea :: Our simple-minded friend to the south controls access to the Ember Ward.
- Inventor de pestes Marileth :: His experiments may be messy, but Maldraxxus’s master slime scientist always finds a solution.
- Marasmius ::
Marasmius,Marasmius es una especie de champiñón extremadamente antiguo que mora en Ardenweald,esy una pieza fundamental del ecosistema del reino. Tu predisposición a ayudar le ha ablandadolasu partede sudel cuerpo más parecida a un corazón, y siempre hay mucho trabajo que hacer.
Cambios en monturas
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Corredor Nieblabrillante:
LosMischievous sprigganstraviesos y los correvalles tienen una animadversión natural. Ningún correvalle se dignaríaand the valerunners have aser montado por un jinete spriggan, ya que notan su malevolencia intrínseca. Esto enfadanatural enmity. No valerunner would deign to allow alos spriggans, que disfrutan cruelmente gastándoles bromas a estas majestuosas criaturas.spriggan rider because they can sense their inherent malevolence. This angers the trickster spriggans who take twisted enjoyment in playing cruel pranks on these majestic creatures.
|cFFFFD200Área: |rEspesura Velo de Niebla|n|cFFFFD200Zona: |rArdenweald
Cambios en Monedas
Datos originales de WowChakra
Ánima falsa para seguimiento de misiones: Usa 1813 para cualquier cosa de
verdadverdad.Mención de honor Argenta: Mención de honor de la Cruzada Argenta
en eldel norte de la Corona de Hielo por acciones emprendidas contra las fuerzas invasoras de las Tierras Sombrías.Redeemed SoulAlma dispuesta: Un alma excepcional que desea contribuir a potenciar el sagrario de tu curia.RenownRenombre: Es renombre
Cambios en Áreas
Datos originales de WowChakra
Transfer StationEstación de Transferencia Ta- Camino de las Tierras Altas
Áreas nuevas
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Escape from the Maw
Nuevos Títulos de personaje
Datos originales de WowChakra
- %s the Ascended :: %s the Ascended
Cambios en Logros
Datos originales de WowChakra
<Hidden> Completed<Oculto> Historia de ShadowlandsStorycompletada (DNT)<Account><Cuenta>:Once earned, a player’sUna vez conseguido, el altcan access the Shadowlands Time Skip un jugador puede acceder al modo Salto en el tiempo de Shadowlands. (DNT)
Muertes con honor
Seething Shore Honorable KillsMuertes con honor en la Costa Hirviente:Seething Shore Honorable KillsMuertes con honor en la Costa HirvienteBattle for Wintergrasp Honorable KillsMuertes con honor en la batalla por Conquista del Invierno:Battle for Wintergrasp Honorable KillsMuertes con honor en la batalla por Conquista del InviernoAshran Honorable KillsMuertes con honor en Ashran:Ashran Honorable KillsMuertes con honor en Ashran
Golpes de gracia
Seething Shore Killing BlowsGolpes de gracia en la Costa Hirviente:Seething Shore Killing BlowsGolpes de gracia en la Costa HirvienteBattle of Wintergrasp Killing BlowsGolpes de gracia en la batalla de Conquista del Invierno:Battle of Wintergrasp Killing BlowsGolpes de gracia en la batalla de Conquista del InviernoAshran Killing BlowsGolpes de gracia en Ashran:Ashran Killing BlowsGolpes de gracia en Ashran
Sinful Gladiator’s Soul EaterComealmas de Gladiador pecaminoso:Obtain the Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater from Shadowlands Season 1Consigue el comealmas de Gladiador pecaminoso en la temporada 1 de Shadowlands
Mazmorra de Shadowlands
Destruyendo que es gerundio:
DefeatDerrota a Echelonafter shatteringdespués de destruir de golpe a 18or more Undying Stonefiends at one time in the Halls of Atonement on Mythic difficulty.malignos de piedra inmortales o más en las Salas de la Expiación en dificultad mítica.De farra con mis babas:
Defeat all bosses while affected by Plaguefallen withinDerrota asingle visit in Plaguefall on Mythic difficulty.todos los jefes de Bajapeste mientras estás afectado por Bajapestado en dificultad mítica durante una única visita.Muy contagiosa:
DefeatDerrota a Hakkar,the Manastorms, Dealer Xy’exa, andlos Tormenta de Maná, la tratante Xy’exa y Mueh’zalawhile at least one party member is afflicted with Corrupted Blood within a single visit to in De Other Side on Mythic difficulty.en El Otro Lado con al menos un miembro del grupo afectado por Sangre corrupta en dificultad mítica durante una única visita.
Stone Legion Generals Kills (Normal Castle Nathria)Muertes de los generales de la Legión Pétrea (Castillo de Nathria normal):Stone Legion Generals Kills (Heroic Castle Nathria)Muertes de los generales de la Legión Pétrea (Castillo de Nathria heroica):Stone Legion Generals Kills (Mythic Castle Nathria)Muertes de los generales de la Legión Pétrea (Castillo de Nathria mítica):Stone Legion Generals Kills (Raid Finder Castle Nathria)Muertes de los generales de la Legión Pétrea (Castillo de Nathria buscador de bandas):Lidiar con sus secuaces:
Mata aComplete 5jefes de objetivo extra en Las Fauces.of the following special encounters in The Maw.Lo importante es enviar un mensaje:
Mata a 16 jefes de objetivo extra en Las Fauces.Complete all of the following special encounters in The Maw.EstáLa clave está en la mezcla: Derrota a las siete creaciones del charco de monstruosidades mezcladas.Recompensa: jalea fétidaExplorer of the ShadowlandsExplorador de las Tierras Sombrías:Complete theCompleta los logros de Shadowlandsachievements listed below.listados a continuación.
Shadowlands: Banda
Mythic: Artificer Xy’moxMítica: Artificiero Xy’Mox:Defeat Artificer Xy’mox in CastleDerrota al artificiero Xy’Mox en el Castillo de Nathriaon Mythic difficulty.en dificultad mítica.Decisiones sobre vertidos:
Derrota al Consejo de Sangre tras lanzar cuatro estilos de vino en el Castillo deDefeat the Council of Blood after throwing four bottles of wine in Castle Nathriaen dificultad normal o superior.on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pasillos Sinuosos: capa 2: Completa la capa 2 de los Pasillos Sinuosos en Torghast, Torre de los Condenados.
Pet Reward: Death SeekerMascota recompensa: BuscamuertePasillos Sinuosos: capa 4: Completa la capa 4 de los Pasillos Sinuosos en Torghast, Torre de los Condenados.
Reward: Helm of the DominatedRecompensa: Yelmo de los dominadosPasillos Sinuosos: capa 6: Completa la capa 6 de los Pasillos Sinuosos en Torghast, Torre de los Condenados.
Title Reward: SpirestalkerTítulo de recompensa: Acechador de agujas
Sagrarios de la curia
Algo para cada cualPara todos los gustos: Desbloquea los siguientes servicios para tu Corte de Ascuas.QuéNos felicessomospocos: Celebra una Corte de Ascuas con cuatro invitados eufóricos.No me aburro, desde luegoLa juerga padre: Celebra Cortes de Ascuas con los siguientes atributos en niveles superiores.
Nuevos Logros
Datos originales de WowChakra
Bound with Purpose: Unlock your covenant’s first soulbind.
A Resolute Bond: Unlock your covenant’s second soulbind.
Unwavering Bond: Unlock your covenant’s third soulbind.
Nexus of Bonds: Unlock all rows in all three of your covenant’s soulbinds.
Champion of Connection: Socket conduits in every soulbind slot.
Bound To Adventure: Raise three soulbinds to level 60 in Adventures.
Adventures: Learning the Ropes: Level an adventurer to level 20.
Adventures: Now You’re Cooking: Level an adventurer to level 40.
Adventures: Strength and Resilience: Level an adventurer to level 60.
Adventures: Harmony of Purpose: Collect all 12 adventurers from your Covenant.
Adventures: Into the Breach: Complete the following Maw adventures.
Adventures: A Step in the Right Direction: Complete an adventure.
Adventures: Leaves in the Forest: Complete 10 adventures.
Adventures: Protector of the Shadowlands: Complete 100 adventures.
Cambios en Cadenas
Datos originales de WowChakra
90POA_BOSS_0590POA_BOSS_08: Mortimer el Loco90POA_BOSS_0890POA_BOSS_05: Corinth Medroso
Cadenas nuevas
Datos originales de WowChakra
- SSAO_TYPE_LABEL: Ambient Occlusion Type
- ERR_BN_INVITER_FRIEND_LIST_FULL: They don’t have room for any more Blizzard friends.
- SSAO_TYPE_CACAO: FidelityFX Ambient Occlusion
- ERR_AUCTION_COMMODITY_WON_S: You won an auction for %s (x%d)
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_514: Requires Inner Altar of Domination.
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_MISSION_LIST: Click on this Adventure to view the details
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_ASSIGNMENT: Drag any Companion into an available slot
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_TARGETED_ROW: This Companion will ONLY attack the targeted row
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_SINGLE_ENEMY: This Companion will ONLY attack the targeted enemy
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_BENEFICIAL_EFFECT: This Companion provides a beneficial effect
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_COLUMN: This Companion will ONLY attack the targeted column
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_ALL_ENEMIES: This Companion will attack ALL targeted enemies
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_TROOPS: Troops can be used infinitely, but increase the cost of the Adventure
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_LEVEL_UP: After a Adventurer levels up they regain full health
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_HEALING: You can heal this Adventurer immediately by spending Anima
- COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Effects are an additional hazard you must plan around to attain victory
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_UPGRADES_INFO: Once active you will have access to additional upgrades.
- TORGHAST_WAYFINDER_GATHER_PARTY: Please gather your party before queuing.
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ADVENTURES: Recruit heroes and troops to send them out on a series of adventures across the Shadowlands
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_TRAVELNETWORK: A transportation network that offers you more fast travel options across your covenant’s home zone
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ANIMACONDUCTOR: An ancient device that allows you to spend Anima in order to activate bonus content in different area of your covenant’s home zone
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_KYRIAN: An arena experience where you take on the role of some of the heroes of Bastion to test their mettle against a series of different foes in gladiatorial combat
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_NIGHTFAE: A special grove where you will learn how to nurture ancient spirits back to life using the Winter Queen’s special garden of wildseeds
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_NECROLORD: The ability to build your own abominations in Maldraxxus! Collect parts from across the shadowlands to build yourself new companions.
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_VENTHYR: A special weekly event that tasks you with throwing a party to Impress your VIP guests. Collect the right ingredients and recruit the right staff to impress each weeks guestlist!
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_CLICK_ACTIVATE: Click «Activate» to begin researching
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