Con este tercer artículo terminamos el datamining propio por el momento. Hay nuevos hechizos y cambios en clases, profesiones, objetos, glifos y algunas cosas más pero aún nuestro equipo está trabajando en aspectos técnicos y de tiempo para poder extraerlas. En futuras Builds seguro que estaremos preparados para poder daros más información y traducida al castellano al ritmo que lo haga Blizzard.
Prácticamente sólo algunos mapas nuevos de momento y lamentablemente casi todos aún sin traducir.
Aquí encontramos todas las nuevas facciones que aparecen en los archivos del juego. Algunas son amigas y podremos alcanzar distintos grados de reputación con ellos y otras serán o bien parte de las anteriores o de razas NPC enemigas.
Nota Importante: Los datos en inglés no han sido aún traducidos al castellano por Blizzard. Los links de los «tooltips» se crean automáticamente a la base de datos de la beta de Wowhead (la cual no existe en español y puede contener errores).
The August Celestials These men defend the temples of Pandaria from the evils of the Sha. |
Korgesh Mogu |
Harthak Mogu |
Gurthan Mogu |
The Klaxxi These Mantid Elders are untouched by the corruption and insanity that has overtaken the remainder of the Mantid Swarm. They seek to work with the races of Pandaria to restore their Queen to glory. |
The Mantid Swarm The ravening swarms of the Mantid roam the Towlong Steppes and Dread Wastes, crushing all in their path. |
Los Pescadores The Anglers are a group of Pandaren fisherman that hope to feed their people and grow their knowledge of fishing. |
Guardianes de la Grulla Roja |
Tillers – Farmer Fung This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Farmer Fung. |
Tillers – Fish Felreed This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Fish Felreed. |
Tillers – Gina Mudclaw This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Gina Mudclaw. |
Tillers – Tina Mudclaw This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Tina Mudclaw. |
Tillers – Haohan Mudclaw This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Haohan Mudclaw. |
Tillers – Sho This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Sho. |
Tillers – Chee Chee This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Chee Chee. |
Tillers – Old Hillpaw This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Old Hillpaw |
Tillers – Ella This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Ella |
Tillers – Jogu the Drunk This is a hidden faction used to gain the trust and affection of Jogu the Drunk |
Los Labradores The Tillers are peaceful and productive pandaren, working with the land to feed the massive appetites of their people. |
Los Jinetes de Dragones Guardianes del Templo Oriental |
Shado-Pan The shadowy protectors of Pandaria’s temples, the Shado-Pan are wrought with mystery. |
Loto Dorado This mysterious society of Pandaren intend to solve the Mogu problem once and for all. |
Mogu The ancient progenitors of this land, the Mogu hate any and all pretenders, including the upstart Pandaren. |
Shen’dralar Lo que queda de los antaño poderosos elfos que vivÃan en La Masacre, todavÃa sabios y cultivados en grandes secretos. |
Guardians of the East Temple |
Sha The evil spirits of the land. |
Hozu A noble and spirited tribe of Monkey people. |
Glassfin Jinyu A reserved, methodical race of fish people. |
Forest Hozen A spirited, violent, and short-lived race of monkey people |
Hermandad de aventureros pandaren [TEMP]Created by Sho Pan, the Pandaren Adventurer’s Guild has grown into an entire country on the back of Shen-zin Su. They sail the world, fighting injustice, tyranny, and lack of good beer whereever they can find it.[/TEMP] |