Novedades de la Build 21952 de Legion. La build ya está disponible en el juego y trae algunas novedades como las nuevas monturas recompensa JcJ para los gladiadores de cada temporada. Antiguamente estaba previsto que fueran las monturas Infernales, las cuales ahora pasan a ser (al menos un par de ellas) botín de despojo tanto de Gul’dan Mítico como de otras modalidades.
Nuevas monturas de Gladiador de Legion
Nueva pantalla de carga
Ursoc Achievement (Needs Name) [NYI] | Defeat Ursoc in the Emerald Nightmare while keeping Tur Ragepaw alive on Normal difficulty or higher . |
<DND> Player has Upgraded Artifact Forge – Monk | |
Brr… It’s Cold in Here | Proud owner of the 2016 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Endothermic Blaster. |
Fighitng with Style: Hidden | Unlock all 4 color variations for your hidden artifact appearance. |
Fighitng with Style: War-torn | Unlock all 4 color variations for your war-torn artifact appearance. |
Fighitng with Style: Valorous | Unlock all 4 color variations for your valorous artifact appearance. |
Fighitng with Style: Upgraded | Unlock all 4 color variations for your upgraded artifact appearance. |
Forged for Battle | Upgrade your artifact forge and be recognized by the members of your Order. |
The Prestige | Successfully reach Prestige level 2 and be recognized for your valor by the leaders of the Horde. |
The Prestige | Successfully reach Prestige level 2 and be recognized for your valor by the leaders of the Alliance. |
Gluten Free | Defeat Trilliax by eating no more than 20 Toxic Slices on Normal Difficulty or higher. |
WoW’s 12th Anniversary | Logged in during WoW’s 12th Anniversary. |
Talents Unlocked | Demon Hunter talents unlocked. |
Doug Test – Completed Trial Boost Experience | |
The Wish Remover | Fish up all of the below coins from the Broken Isles Dalaran fountain |
Nuevos iconos