Actualización con los cambios a las Notas del Parche de la Alfa de Warlords of Draenor actualizada al 23 de Abril del 2014. Notas del parche incial completas Español e Inglés.
Poda de Habilidades
- Caballero de la Muerte
Hervor de sangre ha sido eliminada.
Parásito de sangre ha sido eliminada.
Runa del Caparazón Nerubiano ha sido eliminada.
Golpe con runa ha sido eliminada. Ahora es reemplazada por
Espiral de la muerte para los Caballeros de la Muerte Sangre.
- Druida
Abrazo de oso ha sido eliminada.
Estimular ahora está disponible solo para los Druidas Restauración. Se ha eliminado. Los costes de Maná de los Druidas se han ajustado en consecuencia.
- Mago
- Las variantes cosméticas de
Polimorfia ahora se aprenden como hechizos en vez de tener algunos como Glifos Menores que alteran los gráficos de
Polimorfia. Todas estas variantes (excepto la que se aprende automáticamente, la oveja) están agrupadas en una fila de variantes de
Polimorfia en el libro de hechizos.
- Las variantes cosméticas de
- Paladín
Cólera vengativa ya no está disponible para los Paladines Protección. Ahora está disponible solo para los Paladines Retri.
Favor divino ha sido eliminada.
Súplica divina ahora está disponible solo para los Paladines Sagrado. Se ha eliminado. Los costes de maná de los Paladines se han ajustado en consecuencia.
- Pícaro
Abanico de cuchillos ya no está disponible para los Pícaros Combate.
Redirigir ha sido eliminada.
Venganza y Resolución para Tanques
Para que el DPS del tanque sea importante, vamos a aumentar su daño, ya que sería muy bajo sin el Poder de Ataque de Venganza (Venganza hacía aproximadamente entre el 70-90% del daño de un tanque en combates donde el tanque tenía mucho daño en Mists). Para ello, vamos a aumentar el daño de muchas de las habilidades de tanque, además de que los tanques van a ganar Poder de Ataque mediante la maestría y la Bonificación de Armadura, además del resto de estadísticas existentes. Esto ayudará a equilibrar las estadísticas secundarias para que tengan un valor ofensivo.
- General
- Armadura de Hojas es una nueva habilidad pasiva para los Caballeros de la Muerte Sangre, Druidas Guardián, Monjes Cerveceros, Paladines Protección, y Guerreros Protección.
- Armadura de Hojas aumenta el Poder de Ataque un 100% de la Bonificación de Armadura del personaje.
- Armadura de Hojas es una nueva habilidad pasiva para los Caballeros de la Muerte Sangre, Druidas Guardián, Monjes Cerveceros, Paladines Protección, y Guerreros Protección.
Cambios en Clases
Caballero de la Muerte
Hemos hecho numerosos cambios para compensas la eliminación de algunas habilidades. Hervor de sangre ha sido eliminada y sus efectos se han fusionado con
Pestilencia. Este cambio hará que
Sangre turbia pase a ser una habilidad pasiva; por lo que la hemos reemplazado con un nuevo talento, Portador de Plagas. Para la especialización de Sangre hemos eliminado
Golpe con runa y hemos ajustado el coste de
Espiral de la muerte para que se pueda usar en vez de
Golpe con runa.
- Portador de Plagas es un nuevo talento de nivel 56 para los Caballeros de la Muerte que hace que tu
Espiral de la muerte y
Golpe de Escarcha también infecten al objetivo con
Fiebre de Escarcha y
Peste de sangre.
Plaga carmesí ahora interactúa con
Pestilencia en vez de
Hervor de sangre.
Espiral de la muerte ahora cuesta 30 Poder Rúnico (antes 40 Poder Rúnico).
Glifo de Brote ha sido eliminado.
Pestilencia ahora hace daño a todos los objetivos que golpea, incluyendo el objetivo primario.
Sangre turbia ha sido eliminada.
Fatalidad súbita ya no reduce el coste de
Espiral de la muerte.
Suelo profanado ahora también hace que el Caballero de la Muerte sea inmune a Ataduras y Enraizados.
Sueño de Cenarius
- Guardián: Ya no aumenta la probabilidad de crítico de
- Guardián: Ya no aumenta la probabilidad de crítico de
- Se ha aumentado en un 100% la capacidad de
Relámpago crepitante de jade, pero ya no genera Chi para los Monjes de Niebla.
Ascensión ahora aumenta la regeneración de energía y el máximo de maná un 10% (antes un 15%).
Maestría: Rompecombos ahora también tiene un 8% de probabilidades de activarse por efecto de
Atizar (antes un 12%).
Estilo del tigre fiero ahora aumenta el coste de energía de
Atizar en 10.
Tormenta, tierra y fuego ya no cuesta energía, y está fuera del tiempo global.
Puños de furia ahora hace un 100% de daño aumentado, y siempre hace su daño máximo en el objetivo primario; los objetivos adicionales aún se ven afectados por la división de daño.
Invocar estatua del buey negro ahora también atrae de forma pasiva la atención de todos los enemigos a 30 m, haciendo una pequeña cantidad de amenaza cada segundo.
Ofrenda del buey ahora también tiene una probabilidad de activarse solo con auto ataques de multigolpe, en vez de todos los auto ataques. Tiene un 100% de probabilidades de activarse mientras se usen armas de 2 manos, y un 62.5% a dual.
Glifo de Mirada del buey ahora también hace que la Estatua del Buey Negro haga pulsos menores de forma pasiva provocando Amenaza a todos los enemigos a 30 m.
Cólera vengativa
Favor divino ahora también aumenta toda la sanación del Paladín un 100% mientras dura.
Sello de Perspicacia ya no tiene una probabilidad de sanar al Paladín con los ataques.
- El
Glifo de Sanador de batalla ahora está disponible solo para los Paladines Protección, y para los efectos de Luz Interna en vez de
Sello de Perspicacia.
Golpe de cruzado y
Martillo del honrado ya no son dos hechizos separados.
Sello de Rectitud ahora hace que
Golpe de cruzado sea reemplazado con
Martillo del honrado mientras esté activo.
Luz Interna es una nueva habilidad pasiva para los Paladines Protección y hace que el paladín tenga una probabilidad de curarse en cada golpe a malee.
Se han intercambiado las filas de Nivel 15 y Nivel 60 para que los jugadores tengan disponibles hechizos principales con la temática de sacerdotes a niveles más bajos a la hora de subir de nivel.
Aluvión de acero ahora puede activar venenos.
- Se ha aumentado el daño de
Espíritu feral un 100%.
- Se ha reducido el daño de
Choque de Escarcha un 50%.
- Se pueden aplicar múltiples
Escudo de tierra en el mismo objetivo.
Glifo de Cadenas ya no hace que tu
Sanación en cadena tenga 2 segundos de tiempo de reutilización.
Escudo de relámpagos se mantiene incluso muerto.
Escudo de agua se mantiene incluso muerto.
Ability Pruning (Updated)
- Death Knight
- Blood Boil has been removed.
- Blood Parasite has been removed.
- Rune of the Nerubian Carapace has been removed.
- Rune Strike has been removed. now replaces Death Coil for Blood Death Knights.
- Druid
- Bear Hug has been removed.
- Innervate is now available only to Restoration Druids. has been removed. Mana costs for Druids have been adjusted accordingly.
- Mage
- Polymorph cosmetic variants are now all learned as spells instead of having some as a Minor Glyph that alters the visuals of Polymorph: Sheep. All of these variants (except for the automatically learned one, Polymorph: Sheep) are now grouped in a Polymorph variants flyout in the Spellbook.
- Paladin
- Avenging Wrath is no longer available to Protection Paladins. now only available to Retribution Paladins.
- Divine Favor has been removed.
- Divine Plea is now only available to Holy Paladins. has been removed. Mana costs for Paladins have been adjusted accordingly.
- Rogue
- Fan of Knives is no longer available to Combat Rogues.
- Redirect has been removed.
Tank Vengeance and Resolve (Updated)
Then, to keep tank DPS meaningful, we’ll be raising their damage, since it would be meager with no Vengeance Attack Power (Vengeance accounted for 70-90% of a tank’s damage on high-tank-damage fights in Mists). To do that, we’re increasing the damage of several prominent tank abilities, as well as having tanks also gain increased Attack Power from Mastery and Bonus Armor, in addition to the stat’s existing benefits. That also helps keep secondary stats balanced in offensive value for them.
- General
- Bladed Armor is a new passive ability for Blood Death Knights, Guardian Druids, Brewmaster Monks, Protection Paladins, and Protection Warriors.
- Bladed Armor increases Attack Power by 100% of the character’s Bonus Armor.
- Bladed Armor is a new passive ability for Blood Death Knights, Guardian Druids, Brewmaster Monks, Protection Paladins, and Protection Warriors.
Class Changes
Death Knight
We made several changes to compensate for abilities that have been removed by Ability Pruning. Blood Boil got removed and its effects were merged into Pestilence. This change in effect turned Roiling Blood into a passive ability; which we replaced with a new talent, Plaguebearer. For Blood specialization we removed Rune Strike and are adjusting the cost of Death Coil so it can be used in Rune Strike’s place.
- Plaguebearer is a new Level-56 talent for Death Knight causing Death Coil and Frost Strike to also infect the target with Frost Fever and Blood Plague.
- Crimson Scourge now interacts with Pestilence instead of Blood Boil.
- Death Coil now costs 30 Runic Power (down from 40 Runic Power).
- Glyph of Outbreak has been removed.
- Pestilence now deals damage to all targets hit, including the primary target.
- Roiling Blood has been removed.
- Sudden Doom no longer reduces the cost of Death Coil.
There were also a few other miscellaneous changes. The Runic Power generation of Anti-Magic Shell was standardized, to make it more understandable and balanced. Level-60 and Level-75 talent rows have swapped places, so the important rune regeneration talents could be acquired earlier.
- Desecrated Ground now also makes the Death Knight immune to Roots and Snares.
- Dream of Cenarius
- Guardian: No longer increases the critical strike chance of Mangle.
- Crackling Jade Lightning throughput has been increased by 100%, but no longer generates Chi for Mistweaver Monks.
We also did some polishing on Brewmasters and Windwalkers and made Storm, Earth, and Fire, Transcendence, and Touch of Death easier to use. Fists of Fury has also been improved; sometimes brute force is the right answer. Gift of the Ox was changed to give value to the new Multistrike stat for Brewmasters. Lastly, Tiger Strikes was improved considerably, and made available to all Monk specializations.
There were several changes that affected multiple Monk specializations. We’d like to see Monks using Transcendence more often, so its usability has been improved (some baseline, and some in a Draenor Perk). For Touch of Death, we like that it’s a unique execute being usable only once, but found it impractical to use on bosses and have improved its usability. For Tiger Strikes, we buffed it to grant Multistrike ability which it was similar to already, and extended it to work with all Monk specializations.
We’re making a few changes that mostly affects Windwalkers, but has a minor impact on Mistweavers and Brewmasters as well. For energy-based gameplay to function well, the primary limitation on ability usage should be energy, not time. As such, we’re making the following changes to address GCD-capping problems. First, we’re reducing the effects and mana increase of Ascension, because it became more powerful when combined with several of our other changes to healers. We believe that Ascension will remain as a competitive talent for Brewmasters. Second, energy cost of Jab has been increased for Windwalkers. And Third, we reduced the chance for Combo Breaker to trigger. Individually, these may sound like significant nerfs but Windwalker damage has been adjusted to compensate for these changes. The goal is not to reduce DPS while addressing the issue with GCD-capping.
- Ascension now increases energy regeneration and maximum mana by 10% (down from 15%).
- Combo Breaker now has an 8% chance to trigger, per effect, per Jab (down from 12%).
- Stance of the Fierce Tiger now also increases Jab’s energy cost by 10.
A couple of additional changes for Windwalkers. Storm, Earth, and Fire, got buffed to make it smoother to use. We also buffed Fists of Fury because we felt that the ability wasn’t giving a strong enough damage boost given its restrictions and impact on the Monk’s rotation.
- Storm, Earth, and Fire no longer has an energy cost, and is off GCD.
- Fists of Fury now deals 100% increased damage, and always deals full damage to your primary target; additional targets are still affected by the damage split.
For Brewmasters, Gift of the Ox has been modified to allow it to scale defensively with the new Multistrike stat. The Black Ox Statue has been modified to aid Monks in establishing aggro on new enemies.
- Black Ox Statue now also passively attracts the attention of all enemies within 30 yards, causing a minor amount of threat each second.
- Gift of the Ox now has a chance to trigger only from auto attack Multistrikes, instead of from all auto attacks. It has a 100% chance to trigger while using a two-handed weapon, and a 62.5% chance to trigger while dual wielding.
- Glyph of Leer of the Ox now also causes Black Ox Statue to passively pulse a minor amount of threat to all enemies within 30 yards.
- Avenging Wrath Divine Favor now also increases all of the Paladin’s healing by 100% for its duration.
We wanted to improve Seal gameplay for Protection and Retribution, so have made a few changes in that regard. Protection had three Seals, but only used Insight due to its defensive value. We’ve moved that defensive value into a passive for Protection Paladins, and expect them to primarily use a mixture of Seal of Truth and Seal of Righteousness now. To provide better gameplay between Seal of Truth and Seal of Righteousness, and effectively remove a button, we made Seal of Righteousness transform Crusader Strike into Hammer of the Righteous.
- Seal of Insight no longer gives melee attacks a chance to heal the Paladin.
- Inner Light is a new passive ability for Protection Paladins and provides a chance for each melee attack to heal the Paladin.
- Glyph of the Battle Healer is now available only for Protection Paladins, and affects healing from Inner Light instead of Seal of Insight.
- Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous are no longer separate spells.
- Seal of Righteousness now also causes Crusader Strike to be replaced with Hammer of the Righteous while active.
We swapped the Level-15 and Level-60 talent rows so players are presented with core Priest themed abilities earlier in the leveling process.
- Level-15 and Level-60 talent rows have swapped places.
Among some other changes to improve Rogue AoE damage, we made a couple of baseline changes, and added a few Draenor Perks that impacts their AoE. wanted to make sure that Fan of Knives benefitted from Seal Fate.
- Blade Flurry can now trigger poisons.
- Feral Spirit’ damage has been increased by 100%.
- Frost Shock’s damage has been reduced by 50%.
- Multiple Earth Shield can now be applied to the same target.
- Glyph of Chaining no longer causes Chain Heal to have a 2-second cooldown.
We also made a couple quality of life improvements to Shaman Shield spells.
- Lightning Shield now persists through death.
- Water Shield now persists through death.