Nuevas correcciones en vivo de WoW Classic de World of Warcraft actualizadas al 12 de Noviembre. Ver otras correcciones y cambios.
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WoW Classic
- Los guardias en Gadgetzan, Bahía del Botín y Vista Eterna tienen un rango significativamente mayor para sus ataques a distancia.
- Developers’ note: We’re seeing some players attack others by abusing line-of-sight rules in Gadgetzan. This disruption is against our Terms of Service (as it was in 2006) and we’re taking action against players who exploit this game mechanic. While this new range differs slightly from orginal WoW 1.12, it better enforces the authentically intended consequence of PvPing in a goblin city by challenging the attacker to fight, die, or escape the guards.
- Ahora el Rayo descombobulador desmontará correctamente a los jugadores enemigos montados.
- Ahora las facultades que otorgan un aumento de daño a tu próximo autoataque (por ej. Golpe heroico y Golpe de raptor) romperán apropiadamente los efectos de control de masas si la habilidad fue puesta en cola antes de que el control de masas fuera aplicado.
- Se ha corregido un problema que evitaba que las mascotas atacaran a un objetivo que entraba en sigilo tras que el comando Atacar era utilizado.
- Se ha corregido un probelama con Aparato de invisibilidad gnómico que provocaba que sacaba de combate de forma incorrecta al jugador cuando lo usaba.
WoW Classic
- The guards in Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, and Everlook now have a significantly longer range on their ranged attacks.
- Developers’ note: We’re seeing some players attack others by abusing line-of-sight rules in Gadgetzan. This disruption is against our Terms of Service (as it was in 2006) and we’re taking action against players who exploit this game mechanic. While this new range differs slightly from orginal WoW 1.12, it better enforces the authentically intended consequence of PvPing in a goblin city by challenging the attacker to fight, die, or escape the guards.
- The Discombobulator Ray will now correctly dismount mounted enemy players.
- Abilities that provide a damage increase to the next auto attack (e.g. Heroic Strike and Raptor Strike) will now properly break crowd control effects if the ability was queued before the crowd control was applied.
- Corrected an issue that prevented pets from attacking a target who entered stealth after the Attack command is used.
- Corrected an issue with the Gnomish Cloaking Device that caused it to incorrectly drop the player from combat when used.
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