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Shadowlands Beta Build – Logros, Diálogos, Monedas, Áreas, Instancias, Gestas, Monturas, Títulos  y Globalstrings

Shadowlands Beta

La nueva versión de Shadowlands Beta Build ya ha llegado. Os mostramos Logros, Diálogos, Monedas, Áreas, Instancias, Gestas, Monturas, Títulos  y Globalstrings.

  • Logros
  • Diálogos
  • Monedas
  • Áreas
  • Instancias
  • Gestas
  • Monturas
  • Títulos
  • Globalstrings


Cambios en Logros

Datos originales de WowChakra

Mazmorras y bandas


  • Ahead of the Curve: Sire Aventajado: sire Denathrius: Defeat Sire Derrota al sire Denathrius in Castle en el Castillo de Nathria on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.en dificultad heroica o superior antes del lanzamiento del siguiente nivel de banda.
  • Cutting Edge: Sire Innovador: sire Denathrius: Defeat Sire Derrota al sire Denathrius in Castle en el Castillo de Nathria on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.en dificultad mítica antes del lanzamiento del siguiente nivel de banda.

Mazmorra de Shadowlands

  • Mítica: Cavernas Sanguinas: Defeat General Derrota a la general Kaal in Sanguine Depths on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.en las Cavernas Sanguinas en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Listo para asaltar VII: Derrota a Defeat Nalthor Clamaescarcha en la Estela Necrótica sin que te golpee con Lluvia de cometas, Ventisca o el efecto secundario de Ataduras congeladas en dificultad mítica.the Rimebinder in the Necrotic Wake without being struck by Comet Storm, Blizzard, or the secondary effect of Frozen Binds on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
  • ¡Alguien podría tropezarse con esto!Someone Could Trip on These!: Encuentra los 6 juguetes de Clamaneblina en Nieblas de Tirna Scithe en dificultad mítica.
  • Mítica: Agujas de Ascensión: Defeat Derrota a Devos, Paragon of Doubt in Spires of Ascension on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.dechado de la duda, en las Agujas de Ascensión en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Goliat desactivado: Activa y destruye los tres devastadores destrozados y luego mata a Defeat Oryphrion en dificultad mítica.after activating and destroying all three Shattered Devastators on Mythic Difficulty.
  • Heroic: De Other SideHeroica: El Otro Lado: Defeat Derrota a Mueh’zala in De Other Side on Heroic difficulty or higher.en El Otro Lado en dificultad heroica o superior.
  • Mythic: De Other SideMítica: El Otro Lado: Defeat Derrota a Mueh’zala in De Other Side on Mythic or Mythic Keystone diffiuclty.en El Otro Lado en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Heroic: Halls of AtonementHeroica: Salas de la Expiación: Defeat the Lord Chamberlain in Halls of Atonement on Heroic diffiuclty or higher.Derrota al lord chambelán en las Salas de la Expiación en dificultad heroica o superior.
  • Mythic: Halls of AtonementMítica: Salas de la Expiación: Defeat the Lord Chamberlain in Halls of Atonement on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.Derrota al lord chambelán en las Salas de la Expiación en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Heroic: Mists of Heroica: Nieblas de Tirna Scithe: Defeat Derrota a Tred’ova in Mists of en Nieblas de Tirna Scithe on Heroic difficulty or higher.en dificultad heroica o superior.
  • Mythic: Mists of Mítica: Nieblas de Tirna Scithe: Defeat Derrota a Tred’ova in Mists of en Nieblas de Tirna Scithe on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Heroic: PlalguefallHeroica: Bajapeste: Defeat Margrave Derrota a la margravina Stradama in Plaguefall on Heroic difficulty or higher.en Bajapeste en dificultad heroica o superior.
  • Mythic: PlaguefallMítica: Bajapeste: Defeat Margrave Derrota a la margravina Stradama in Plaguefall on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.en Bajapeste en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Heroic: Theater of PainHeroica: Teatro del Dolor: Defeat Derrota a Mordretha, the Endless Empress in Theater of Pain on Heroic difficutly or Emperatriz Eterna, en el Teatro del Dolor en dificultad heroica o superior.
  • Mythic: Theater of PainMítica: Teatro del Dolor: Defeat Derrota a Mordretha, the Endless Empress in Theater of Pain on Mythic or Mythic Keystone Emperatriz Eterna, en el Teatro del Dolor en dificultad mítica o piedra angular mítica.
  • Mítica: Hermandad en las Nieblas de Tirna Scithe: Derrota a Tred’ova en las Nieblas de Tirna Scithe en dificultad mítica en un grupo de hermandad.


Las Fauces y Torghast

Shadowlands: Banda

Nuevos Logros

Datos originales de WowChakra


Cambios en BroadcastText

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Ventormenta es Ventormenta, uno de los reinos humanos más poderosos y mantiene poderosos, tiene una duradera larga tradición de valientes bravos caballeros y héroes legendarios. ::
  • :: ¡Caminante de Las Fauces, mi adalid se ocupará de ti!UNUSED
  • |cff34cceb+Clean|r|cff34cceb+Limpio|r :: |cff34cceb+Clean|r|cff34cceb+Limpio|r
  • |cffdb453d+Dangerous|r|cffdb453d+Peligroso|r :: |cffdb453d+Dangerous|r|cffdb453d+Peligroso|r
  • |cff1b8729+Decadent|r|cff1b8729+Decadente|r :: |cff1b8729+Decadent|r|cff1b8729+Decadente|r
  • |cfffbdd52+Exciting|r|cfffbdd52+Emocionante|r :: |cfffbdd52+Exciting|r|cfffbdd52+Emocionante|r
  • |cfffb95ff+Casual|r|cfffb95ff+Informal|r :: |cfffb95ff+Casual|r|cfffb95ff+Informal|r
  • |cfffbdd52+Relaxing|r|cfffbdd52+Relajante|r :: |cfffbdd52+Relaxing|r|cfffbdd52+Relajante|r
  • |cff1b8729+Humble|r|cff1b8729+Humilde|r :: |cff1b8729+Humble|r|cff1b8729+Humilde|r
  • |cffdb453d+Safe|r|cffdb453d+Seguro|r :: |cffdb453d+Safe|r|cffdb453d+Seguro|r
  • |cff34cceb+Messy|r|cff34cceb+Caótico|r :: |cff34cceb+Messy|r|cff34cceb+Caótico|r
  • Aunque el hogar de los elfos de sangre casi sucumbió a tragedias y traiciones, habéis reclamado vuestro legítimo derecho y buscáis un porvenir más brillante.futuro mejor. ::
  • :: They need sacrifices like us to fuel their magic. They’re about to start Necesitan sacrificios para potenciar su magia. Están a punto de empezar un ritual that will —para…
  • Toma nuestro venado y ven con nosotros.síguenos. ::
  • ¡La Cacería Salvaje os eliminará borrará de Ardenweald! ::
  • Come, we ride for Hibernal Hollow.Vamos, hacia la Cuenca Invernal. ::
  • :: Thank you for escorting us, Gracias por escoltarnos, Ara’lon. It puts me at ease to know we are protected by a fierce huntsman.Me tranquiliza saber que nos protege un fiero cazador.
  • I was not always so. I joined the Wild Hunt only recently… after my grove had to be sacrificed to save the others.No siempre fui así. Me uní hace poco a la Cacería Salvaje… cuando se sacrificó mi arboleda para salvar las demás. ::
  • :: My grove was lost as well… but not to the drought. We were overrun by masked fae. My friends…Yo también perdí mi arboleda…, pero no por la sequía. Fueron sílfides enmascaradas. Mis amigos…
  • I am sorry, Lo siento, Niya. If only the Wild Hunt could have been there… but our numbers are stretched perilously thin.Ojalá la Cacería Salvaje hubiera estado allí… pero no damos abasto. ::
  • :: As is the Winter Queen…Y la reina tampoco…
  • She bears the greatest burden of us all. We must do what we can to share it.Es quien mayor carga lleva. Debemos hacer lo posible por compartirla. ::
  • :: Por Ha servido a nuestra causa, ha defendido causa defendiendo nuestros templos de los invasores.
  • |cff34cceb+Bonus Time|rde tiempo|r :: |cff34cceb+Bonus Time|rde tiempo|r
  • |cfff2e699+Bonus Happiness|rde felicidad|r :: |cfff2e699+Bonus Happiness|rde felicidad|r
  • :: Ha desenmascarado al traidor Denathrius y ha desafiado los terrores de Las Fauces.
  • :: I once said that your voice is but one bird singing in the night.Una vez dije que no eras más que un pájaro en el coro en la noche.
  • :: Well… I think it’s time we all sang with you.Bien, pues… es hora de que cantemos contigo.

Nuevos BroadcastText

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • :: Aspirante Kleia. Adelante.
  • :: No solo eres una mentora para quienes te rodean, sino una defensora incondicional de Bastión.
  • :: Ahora te unes a las filas de los Ascendidos.
  • :: Basta de rituales, Arconte. ¡Basta de mentiras! US ALT: Basta de rituales, Arconte.
  • :: ¡Alzaos, Abjurantes! US ALT: ¡Mis Abjurantes acabarán con tus mentiras!
  • :: ¿Devos? ¡¿Tú lideras esta rebelión?!
  • :: ¡Los edictos de la Arconte son un peligro para todos! ¡Forjaremos un nuevo camino para Bastión!
  • :: ¡Las Agujas de Ascensión pertenecerán a los Abjurantes!
  • :: ¡Ascendidos, repeled el ataque! ¡Dechados, conmigo!
  • :: ¡Hay que detener a Devos!
  • :: ¡La Arconte ha hablado! ¡Defended la posición!
  • :: ¡Son demasiados!
  • ¡Proteged el corazón a toda costa! ALT: ¡Proteged el corazón! ::


Cambios en Monedas

Datos originales de WowChakra

Monedas nuevas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Linked Currency Test (Src) – PTH: A test source currency for the new linked currency feature.
  • Linked Currency Test (Dst) – PTH: A test destination currency for the new linked currency feature.
  • The Ember Court: Increases the reputation of the The Ember Court.
  • The Countess: A happy party with The Countess increases her friendhip with you.
  • Rendle and Cudgelface: A happy party with Rendle and Cudgelface increases their friendhip with you.
  • Stonehead: A happy party with Stonehead increases his friendhip with you.
  • Cryptkeeper Kassir: A happy party with Cryptkeeper Kassir increases his friendhip with you.
  • Baroness Vashj: A happy party with Baroness Vashj increases her friendhip with you.
  • Plague Deviser Marileth: A happy party with Plague Deviser Marileth increases his friendhip with you.
  • Grandmaster Vole: A happy party with Grandmaster Vole increases his friendhip with you.
  • Alexandros Mograine: A happy party with Alexandros Mograine increases his friendhip with you.
  • Sika: A happy party with Sika increases her friendhip with you.
  • Kleia and Pelegos: A happy party with Kleia and Pelagos increases their friendhip with you.
  • Polemarch Adrestes: A happy party with Polemarch Adrestes increases his friendhip with you.
  • Mikanikos: A happy party with Mikanikos increases his friendhip with you.
  • Choofa: A happy party with Choofa increases his friendhip with you.
  • Droman Aliothe: A happy party with Droman Aliothe increases her friendhip with you.
  • Hunt-Captain Korayn: A happy party with Hunt-Captain Korayn increases his friendhip with you.
  • Lady Moonberry: A happy party with Lady Moonberry increases her friendhip with you.


Cambios en Áreas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Salto del PecadoThe Ember Court
  • Hungering WastesPáramo Hambriento
  • Soulstained FieldsCampos Manchados de Almas
  • Circle of IncantationCírculo de Conjuros
  • Chill’s ReachTramo del Frío

Áreas nuevas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Exoramas
  • awood_dev1
  • sbenyona_dev1


Cambios en Instancias

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • La Corte de Ascuas:

Instancias nuevas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned: Ábrete camino hasta la cima de Torghast.

Instancias eliminadas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Altar de la Tormenta:
  • Atal’Dazar:
  • Fuerte Libre:
  • Templo de Sethraliss:
  • Catacumbas Putrefactas:
  • Tol Dagor:
  • Mansión Crestavía:
  • Reposo de los Reyes:


Gestas nuevas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Hunt: Soul Eaters
  • Hunt: Death Elementals
  • Hunt: Shadehounds
  • Torghast, Torre de los Condenados


Cambios en monturas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • PH Maldraxxus ChimaeraDeathbringer’s Flayedwing: PHThe only thing to fear more than the Deathbringer’s Flayedwing is the Deathbringer commanding its movements.
    |cFFFFD200Achievement: |rDeathbringer|n|cFFFFD200Category: |rWorld
  • PH TauralusWarbred Thewhoof: PHThe soldiers of Maldraxxus protect the Shadowlands, and require a mount that is both capable and calm when faced with overwhelming odds.
    TBD|cFFFFD200Quest: |rEnemy at the Door|n|cFFFFD200Zone: |rMaldraxxus
  • PH Epic TauralusArmored Warbred Thewhoof: PHThe tauralus that serve the armies of Maldraxxus have had all traits of compassion bred out of them, and are only adorned in armor when they show that no sword or spell can stop them from carrying their rider to victory.
    TBD|cFFFFD200Quest:|r The Third Fall of Kel’Thuzad|n|cFFFFD200Zone:|r Maldraxxus
  • PH Epic White Gravestone Battle Gargon: PH


Cambios en Títulos de personaje

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • %s, Hand of the ArchonMano de la Arconte :: %s, Hand of the ArchonMano de la Arconte
  • Baron Barón %s :: Baron Barón %s
  • Baroness Baronesa %s :: Baroness Baronesa %s
  • %s, Winter’s EnvoyEnviado del Invierno :: %s, Winter’s EnvoyEnviada del Invierno
  • Count Conde %s :: Count Conde %s
  • Countess Condesa %s :: Countess Condesa %s

Nuevos Títulos de personaje

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • Deathbringer %s :: Deathbringer %s


Cadenas nuevas

Datos originales de WowChakra

  • CONFIRM_LOSE_BINDING_CHANGES: You will lose any unsaved changes if you switch between global and character specific key bindings.
  • CAMPAIGN_LORE_BUTTON_HELPTIP: Click the Lore Book for the story so far…
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_RENOWN_MILESTONES_DESC: These rewards unlock when you reach the required Renown Level
  • PLAYER_CHOICE_KYRIAN_CONFIRMATION: Are you sure you wish to join the Kyrian?
  • PLAYER_CHOICE_VENTHYR_CONFIRMATION: Are you sure you wish to join the Venthyr?
  • PLAYER_CHOICE_NECROLORD_CONFIRMATION: Are you sure you wish to join the Necrolords?
  • PLAYER_CHOICE_NIGHTFAE_CONFIRMATION: Are you sure you wish to join the Nightfae?
  • PARTY_PLAYER_CHROMIE_TIME_OTHER_HORDE: You can’t see them until they leave Chromie Time or you enter it. Talk to Chromie near the Embassy in Orgrimmar.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_CHROMIE_TIME_OTHER_ALLIANCE: You can’t see them until they leave Chromie Time or you enter it. Talk to Chromie near the Embassy in Stormwind.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_CHROMIE_TIME_SELF_HORDE: You can’t see them until you leave Chromie Time or they enter it. Talk to Chromie near the Embassy in Orgrimmar.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_CHROMIE_TIME_SELF_ALLIANCE: You can’t see them until you leave Chromie Time or they enter it. Talk to Chromie near the Embassy in Stormwind.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_CHROMIE_TIME_INELIGIBLE: You can’t see them until they leave Chromie Time.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_CHROMIE_TIME_SELF_LOCATION: You are currently in Chromie Time: %s
  • PARTY_SHARDED_MESSAGE: [PH] This player is in a different shard and phase. You can neither see nor interact with this player.
  • CANNOT_UNEQUIP_COMBAT: Cannot be unequipped while in combat
  • CANNOT_UNEQUIP_ARENA: Cannot be unequipped while in Arena
  • CANNOT_UNEQUIP_TORGHAST: Cannot be unequipped while in the Jailer’s Tower
  • NOT_IN_TORGHAST: Can’t do that in the Jailer’s Tower
  • CANNOT_UNEQUIP_MYTHIC_PLUS: Cannot be unequipped while Mythic Plus is active
  • PARTY_PLAYER_SHARDED_TARGET_NOT_IN_PARTY_PHASE: You can’t see this player because they are in a different phase. They can join your phase by visiting any major city.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_SHARDED_NOT_IN_PARTY_SHARD: You can’t see this player because they are in a different phase. You can join their phase by visiting any major city.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_SHARDED_NEITHER_IN_PARTY_SHARD: You can�t see this player because they are in a different phase. To appear in the same phase, you must both visit any major city.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_493: All players must have quest – Torghast: Tower of the Damned.
  • SOULBIND_TUTORIAL_SOULBIND_UNLOCK: Continue the campaign to unlock %s


Cobertura Alfa de Shadowlands – Toda la info

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Written by Epsilon

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Beta Build

Shadowlands Beta Build – Mapas, Assets variados e Iconos

Notas de desarrollo del Parche 9.1.5 - 13 de Octubre

Shadowlands Beta Build – Nuevos modelos