
Pruebas de Banda HC 4 de Abril ¡Velas en directo aquí!

Pruebas de Banda en directo aqui

Hoy se probarán los siguientes encuentros y podrás verlos en directo desde aquí:

  • 4 Abril 22:30h Hoja de hechizo Aluriel (Bastión de la Noche Heroico)
  • 4 Abril 00:00h Il’gynoth (Pesadilla Esmeralda Heroico)

Streamings para ver

Towelliee – Streamer habitual (EN)

Treckie – Nihilum Guild (EN)

Botisjenkins – From Scratch Guild (EN)


Diario de Mazmorras Heroico

Los datos que aquí figuran están extraídos del cliente del juego en español por Datamining. El contenido en Inglés es tal como figura dentro del juego.

Hoja de hechizo Aluriel

imagen_jefeSpellblade Aluriel


  • Spellblade Aluriel cycles between 3 enchantments: Frost, Fire, and Arcane. Each enchantment grants her an ability that she can only use while she’s under the effect of that enchantment. She will then manipulate that magic with a few commands: replicate, detonate, and animate.
    • Tanks 

      • When Aluriel performs [Annihilate], gather together to share the damage.
      • When Aluriel performs [Searing Brand], do not stand between her and her selected targets.
      • When Aluriel performs [Detonate: Arcane Orb], move quickly away from the projected destination of the orb. You’ll take reduced damage based on your distance from the impact point.
      • In Heroic and Mythic difficulties do not stand too far from Fiery Enchantments, their [Flame Lick] ability will inflict more damage the further you stand from


      • When Aluriel performs [Searing Brand], do not stand between her and her selected targets.
      • When Aluriel performs [Detonate: Arcane Orb], move quickly away from the projected destination of the orb. You’ll take reduced damage based on your distance from the impact point.
      • In Heroic and Mythic difficulties do not stand too far from Fiery Enchantments, their [Flame Lick] ability will inflict more damage the further you stand from them.

      Damage Dealers 

      • Kill Arcane Enchantments quickly. If they survive to the end of their [Armageddon] channel, your allies will suffer critical damage. You must not let them survive.
      • When Aluriel performs [Searing Brand], do not stand between her and her selected targets.
      • When Aluriel performs [Detonate: Arcane Orb], move quickly away from the projected destination of the orb. You’ll take reduced damage based on your distance from the impact point.
      • In Heroic and Mythic difficulties do not stand too far from Fiery Enchantments, their [Flame Lick] ability will inflict more damage the further you stand from them.

Champion of Blades

    • Aniquilar Aniquilar 

      • Aniquila a un máximo de 2 objetivos frontales y les inflige 100 p. de daño físico. Se divide a partes iguales entre los dos.

Master of Frost

    • Cadenas de hielo Cadenas de hielo

      • Vinculado a otro jugador.
        • Cadenas de hielo Cadenas de hielo

          • Daño recibido por Cadenas de hielo aumentado un 100%.

      Replicate: Mark of Frost

      • Additional targets are affected by Mark of Frost.

      Fragmentos de hielo Fragmentos de hielo 

      • Inflige 126070 p. de daño de Escarcha a todos los enemigos por cada objetivo afectado por Cadenas de hielo. Quedan fragmentos de hielo en el suelo que infligen daño de Escarcha a aquellos que se vean atrapados en su interior.
        • Fragmentos de hielo Fragmentos de hielo

          • 280000 p. de daño de Escarcha infligidos cada segundo. Velocidad de movimiento reducida un 25%.

      Animate: Mark of Frost 

      • From the Pools of Ice, the remnants of magic stir. Aluriel commands Icy Enchantments to rise.
        • Tempestad de hielo Tempestad de hielo

          • Icy Enchantments teleport to a random enemy and channel a Frozen Tempest. This creates a dome of frost, inflicting 250000 Frost damage to units inside and pushing them towards the outer edge of the dome. Players who cross this threshold will be stunned in place, creating a block of ice that must be destroyed before the stun is removed.

Master of Fire

    • Marca abrasadora Marca abrasadora

      • Aluriel marks random targets with a Searing Brand. She will then ignite her armor and charge to those marked targets. Any enemy in her way will be knocked back and burn for 196000 Fire damage every second for 26 sec. This effect stacks.

      Replicate: Searing Brand

      • Additional targets are affected by Searing Brand.

      Suelo ardiente Suelo ardiente 

      • Aluriel detonates enemies afflicted by Searing Brand. Each afflicted unit inflicts 126070 Fire damage to all surrounding allies. Burning Ground remains at the location of detonated units.
        • Suelo ardiente Suelo ardiente

          • 280000 p. de daño de Escarcha infligidos cada segundo. Velocidad de movimiento reducida un 50000%.

      Animate: Searing Brand 

      • From the Burning Ground, the remnants of magic stir. Aluriel commands Fiery Enchantments to rise.
        • Barrido de llamas Barrido de llamas

          • Fiery Enchantments sear the blood of an enemy within 40 yards, inflicting 500000 Fire damage. This effect increases in amplitude each time it chains to a new victim, up to 20 targets.

          Bound in Flame Bound in Flame

          • Damage dealt is increased by 100% and casting speed is increased by 100% for every ally within 8 yards.

      Animate: Searing Brand 

      • From the Burning Ground, the remnants of magic stir. Aluriel commands Fiery Enchantments to rise.

        Burst of Flame Burst of Flame 

        • Fiery Enchantments periodically burst with fiery energy, inflicting 40320 Fire damage to all enemies.

Master of the Arcane

  • Arcane Orb Arcane Orb

    • Aluriel summons Arcane Orbs around random enemies. These Arcane Orbs inflict 210000 Arcane damage to all enemies within 8 yards.

    Replicate: Arcane Orb

    • Additional Arcane Orbs manifest.

    Orbe Arcano Orbe Arcano 

    • Aluriel commands Arcane Orbs to pursue a target, detonating at their location for 770000 Arcane damage. This damage is decreased based on distance from the explosion. Orbs will leave Arcane Fog at the location.
      • Arcane Fog Arcane Fog

        • Silences enemies standing within the area of effect, inflicting 280000 Arcane damage per second.

    Animate: Arcane Orb 

    • From the Arcane Fog, the remnants of magic stir. Aluriel commands Arcane Enchantments to rise.
      • Armagedón Armagedón 

        • Arcane Enchantments channel Armageddon. Upon completion of the channel, they inflict 630000 Arcane damage to all enemies and knock them back.

    Animate: Arcane Orb 

    • From the Arcane Fog, the remnants of magic stir. Aluriel commands Arcane Enchantments to rise.

      Burst of Magic Burst of Magic 

      • Arcane Enchantments periodically burst with magical energy, inflicting 20160 Arcane damage to all enemies.

imagen_jefeIl’gynoth, Heart of Corruption


  • Players begin the encounter outside the tree that holds Il’gynoth’s heart, which is blocked by the Eye of Il’gynoth. Players must first defeat the erupting eyestalks and tentacles that Il’gynoth creates. Whenever a tentacle is defeated, a Nightmare Ichor will emerge. When killed, Nightmare Ichors will erupt in an explosion that damages nearby players, but also damages the Eye of Il’gynoth if it is within range. Players must use the Nightmare Ichors’ explosions to defeat the Eye of Il’gynoth and gain access to the hollow of the world tree and the Heart of Il’gynoth. Once inside the hollow, players can inflict damage directly to the Heart until Il’gynoth completes casting Dark Reconstitution – sealing away the hollow again and killing any players who remain inside. This repeats until players defeat the Heart of Il’gynoth.
    • Tanques 

      • Dominator Tentacles’ [Nightmarish Fury] and Nightmare Horrors’ [Deathglare] deal heavy damage.
      • Nightmare Horrors create pools of [Nightmare Corruption] – move them to minimize the damage dealt.
      • Avoid players targeted by [Ground Slam].


      • Dominator Tentacles’ [Nightmarish Fury] and Nightmare Horrors’ [Deathglare] deal heavy damage to Tanks.
      • Dispel [Touch of Corruption].
      • Lure Nightmare Ichors that are fixated on you to the Eye of Il’gynoth when they are low on health.
      • Move away from the raid when affected by [Spew Corruption].


      • Move away from the raid when affected by [Spew Corruption].
      • Interrupt Deathglare Tentacles’ [Mind Flay].
      • Lure Nightmare Ichors that are fixated on you to the Eye of Il’gynoth when they are low on health, and wait to kill them until they are in range of the Eye.
      • Avoid players targeted by [Ground Slam], and move away from other players when targeted by it.

Stage One: The Ruined Ground

  • Players engage creatures of nightmare while the Eye of Il’gynoth watches over them, directing the forces of corruption.
    • Corrupción de la Pesadilla Corrupción de la Pesadilla

      • Las fuerzas de la Pesadilla cubren el suelo con corrupción de la Pesadilla, lo que inflige 0 p. de daño de las Sombras cada 0 s a los jugadores que permanezcan en su interior. Este efecto se acumula.

      Death Blossom Death Blossom 

      • Creates a Death Blossom at a location. After 15 sec sec., it will detonate, inflicting 650000 Shadow damage to any players standing on the blossom. If no player is affected by the Death Blossom’s detonation, it will explode over a large area, infecting all players with Dispersed Spores.
        • Dispersed Spores Dispersed Spores

          • Inflicts 450000 Shadow damage to all players, and deals an additional 125000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 50 sec.

      The Eye of Il’gynoth

        • Cualidad de pesadillas Cualidad de pesadillas

          • El ojo de Il’gynoth recibe un 99% de daño reducido de todas las fuentes, salvo las Erupciones de la Pesadilla, que le infligen el daño total.

          Mirada de pesadilla Mirada de pesadilla

          • Fija una mirada oscura sobre el objetivo, lo que inflige 150000 p. de daño de las Sombras y salta a objetivos cercanos. El daño infligido aumenta con cada salto.

      Nightmare Ichor

        • Fijar Fijar

          • Se fija en un objetivo, lo ataca y excluye a los demás objetivos.

          Toque de corrupción Toque de corrupción 

          • Los ataques cuerpo a cuerpo del icor de la Pesadilla dejan a su paso una corrupción persistente en el objetivo, lo que inflige 85000 p. de daño de las Sombras cada 2 s durante 40 sec. Este efecto se acumula.

          Deflagración de la Pesadilla Deflagración de la Pesadilla

          • Cuando se mata a un icor de la Pesadilla, estalla en una explosión de energía de pesadilla que inflige 200500 p. de daño de las Sombras a los jugadores en un radio de 300 m. Esta explosión también daña al ojo de Il’gynoth, ignora toda reducción de daño e inflige un 200500% de la salud del ojo como daño de las Sombras.

      The Forces of Corruption

      • When killed, the forces of corruption will spawn Nightmare Ichor.

        Nightmare Horror 

          • Ojoletal Ojoletal 

            • Inflige 2200000 p. de daño de las Sombras y aumenta un 50% el daño recibido de Ojoletal durante 30 sec. Este efecto se acumula.

            Corrupción acuosa Corrupción acuosa

            • Mientras los horrores pesadilla están vivos, crean periódicamente charcos de corrupción de la Pesadilla a sus pies.

        Tentáculo Ojoletal

          • Tortura mental Tortura mental 

            • Asalta la mente del objetivo con energía de las Sombras, lo que inflige 500000 p. de daño de las Sombras cada 2 s durante 8 sec.

        Corruptor Tentacle

          • Vomitar corrupción Vomitar corrupción

            • Corruptor Tentacles spew corruption onto nearby players, inflicting 155100 Shadow damage and causing them to create a pool of Nightmare Corruption every 2 sec. for 10 sec.

        Dominator Tentacle 

          Embate en el suelo Embate en el suelo

          • Golpea el suelo en la dirección de un jugador seleccionado, lo que inflige 350000 p. de daño físico a todos los jugadores en una línea y los repele.

          Nightmarish Fury Nightmarish Fury 

          • A relentless flurry of attacks on the tentacle’s primary target every 0.75 sec. for 6 sec each inflicting 1300000 Physical damage.

          Rugido desintegrador Rugido desintegrador 

          • Ruge con fuerza cuando no lo atacan cuerpo a cuerpo, lo que inflige 250000 p. de daño físico a todos los jugadores.

Stage Two: The Heart of Corruption

  • When the Eye of Il’gynoth is destroyed, the chamber holding Il’gynoth’s beating heart is revealed.
    • The Heart of Il’gynoth

      • Reconstitución oscura Reconstitución oscura 

        • Il’gynoth acumula energía psíquica y la libera para volver a sellar su guarida, lo que mata a todos los jugadores que permanecen dentro y provoca que vuelva a crecer el ojo de Il’gynoth.

        Cursed Blood Cursed Blood

        • Infects players’ blood with nightmare energy, inflicting 175000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec. When this effect ends, the player will detonate, inflicting 800000 Shadow damage to players within 11 yards.

        Reabsorción Reabsorción

        • Si un icor de la Pesadilla entra en la cámara con el corazón de Il’gynoth, queda reabsorbido, lo que otorga a Il’gynoth un 600000% de salud. Este efecto se acumula.



Written by Epsilon

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