Nueva versión del Parche 8.2 El Resurgir de Azshara ya está llegando al RPP y os traemos las novedades del datamining de la build 30430. Actualizado 15/5 23:12
- Modelos
- Pantallas de novedades
- Mapas
- Monedas
- Títulos
- Áreas
- Logros
- Globalstrings
- Monturas
- Assets
- Pantallas de Carga
- Iconos
Otros contenidos en WowChakra sobre la build del 8.2:
NOTA: Todos los datos aquí mostrados son del cliente en español del RPP de Battle for Azeroth y pueden cambiar sin previo aviso o no llegar a salir en el cliente en vivo. Las partes en inglés están así en el cliente, no habiendo sido traducidas aún.
Borrado de personajes
Con esta versión del RPP se han borrado todos los personajes dentro de los reinos.
Modelos 3D
Se han añadido nuevos modelos 3D. Joyatrón 7000 y Pepe mecánico entre otros. Además los magos recibieron una nueva mesa de refrigerio recientemente.
Pantallas de Novedades
Ya tenemos una versión básica del Mapa de Nazjatar.
Cambios en Monedas
- Rustbolt
RebellionResistance: Grants reputation with the RustboltRebellion.Resistance.
Cambios en Títulos de personaje
DeguaceDesguazador %s ::DesguaceDesguazadora %s
Nuevos Títulos de personaje
- %s el eterno :: %s el eterno
- %s de las profundidades :: %s de las profundidades
- Sparking %s :: Sparking %s
- %s, Azeroth’s Champion :: %s, Azeroth’s Champion
Cambios en Áreas
Palacio EternoPuerta de la Reina- Punto de
Áreas nuevas
- Continente
- Palacio Eterno
- Estrategia de la Emperatriz
- Guarida de Gorm
- Pathfinder’s Den
- Bondo’s Yard
- Scrapbone Den
- The Outflow
- Junkwatt Depot
- Rustbolt
- Crashcog Circuit
- Crumbling Cavern
Cambios en Logros
- Under
Thethe Seams: Collect an armor set from The EternalPalacePalace.
- Supplying the
AssasinsAssassins:CollectLoot 25 War Supply Chests in Nazjataraswhile an Assasin.
Banda de BFA
- If
it PleasesIt Please the Court: Perform various emotes to earn Queen Azshara’s Favor in the Eternal Palace, then defeat The Queen’s Court on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Battle for Azeroth
- Bolsillos llenos: Contribute to construction projects in Mechagon
500250 times. - Dirección financiera de Mecandria: Contribute to construction projects in Mechagon
5,0001,000 times. - Nautical Battlefield Training:
Assist each of your allies inComplete the Nazjatarto level 10.achievements listed below. - Nautical Battlefield Training:
Assist each of your allies inComplete the Nazjatarto level 10.achievements listed below. - Mrrl’s
Dark SecretSecret Stash: Obtain one of Mrrl’s more elusive wares. - The Ankoan: Earn
ReveredExalted Status with the Ankoan. - The Unshackled: Earn
ReveredExalted Status with the Unshackled. PriscillaLady Ashvane kills (Raid Finder Eternal Palace):PriscillaLady Ashvane kills (Normal Eternal Palace):PriscillaLady Ashvane kills (Heroic Eternal Palace):PriscillaLady Ashvane kills (Mythic Eternal Palace):
Nuevos Logros
- Phenomenal Cosmic Power: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with all available Essences for any role at rank 4.
- Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Alliance): Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
- Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Horde): Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
- Malowned: Defeat Postmaster Malown in a pet battle.
- Ahead of the Curve: Queen Azshara: Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
- Cutting Edge: Queen Azshara: Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
- Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season Three: Complete all Battle for Azeroth Season Three dungeons at Mythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.
- Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season Three: Complete all Battle for Azeroth Season Three dungeons at Mythic Level 15 or higher, within the time limit.
- Hertz Locker: Within a single lockout, defeat all bosses in Operation: Mechagon and prevent the destruction of all non-robotic life on Azeroth without any player dying on Mythic difficulty.
- :
- :
- Armed for Action: Construct each of the following weapons with Rocket-Chief Fuselage.
- Making the Mount: Complete the Mechaspider questline.
- M.C., Hammered: Defeat the Tussle Tonks in Operation: Mechagon after Deuce Mecha-Buffer has been hit with a Piston Smasher on Mythic Difficulty.
- A Smack of Jellyfish: Defeat Orgozoa in the Hatchery in The Eternal Palace after incubating a baby Zoatroid on Normal Difficulty or higher.
- The Circle of Stars: Defeat the following Bosses in The Eternal Palace.
- Mythic: Abyssal Commander Sivara: Defeat Abyssal Commander Sivara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Radiance of Azshara: Defeat Radiance of Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Blackwater Behemoth: Defeat Blackwater Behemoth in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Lady Ashvane: Defeat Lady Ashvane in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Orgozoa: Defeat Orgozoa in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: The Queen’s Court: Defeat The Queen’s Court in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Za’qul: Defeat Za’qul in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Queen Azshara: Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Fun Run: Defeat Radiance of Azshara in The Eternal Palace after running 8 consecutive complete laps around her arena on Normal difficulty on higher.
- The Best of Us: Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace with one player still alive who is currently affected by Essence of Azeroth on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Terror of the Tadpoles: Shoo away 100 Bloodfin Tadpoles in Nazjatar.
- Seasoned: Hunter Akana: Adventure with Hunter Akana until they reach Rank 10.
- Seasoned: Bladesman Inowari: Adventure with Bladesman Inowari until they reach Rank 10.
- Seasoned: Farseer Ori: Adventure with Bladesman Inowari until they reach Rank 10.
- Seasoned: Neri Sharpfin: Adventure with Neri Sharpfin until they reach Rank 10.
- Seasoned: Poen Gillbrack: Adventure with Poen Gillbrack until they reach Rank 10.
- Seasoned: Vim Brineheart: Adventure with Vim Brineheart until they reach Rank 10.
- Veteran: Neri Sharpfin: Adventure with Neri Sharpfin until they reach Rank 20.
- Battle-Scarred: Neri Sharpfin: Adventure with Neri Sharpfin until they reach Rank 30.
- Veteran: Poen Gillbrack: Adventure with Poen Gillbrack until they reach Rank 20.
- Veteran: Vim Brineheart: Adventure with Vim Brineheart until they reach Rank 20.
- Veteran: Hunter Akana: Adventure with Hunter Akana until they reach Rank 20.
- Veteran: Bladesman Inowari: Adventure with Bladesman Inowari until they reach Rank 20.
- Veteran: Farseer Ori: Adventure with Bladesman Inowari until they reach Rank 20.
- Battle-Scarred: Poen Gillbrack: Adventure with Poen Gillbrack until they reach Rank 20.
- Battle-Scarred: Vim Brineheart: Adventure with Vim Brineheart until they reach Rank 30.
- Battle-Scarred: Hunter Akana: Adventure with Hunter Akana until they reach Rank 20.
- Battle-Scarred: Bladesman Inowari: Adventure with Bladesman Inowari until they reach Rank 30.
- Battle-Scarred: Farseer Ori: Adventure with Bladesman Inowari until they reach Rank 30.
- Aqua Team Murder Force: Complete the Nazjatar achievements listed below.
- Aqua Team Murder Force: Complete the Nazjatar achievements listed below.
- Back to the Depths!: Complete the Summons from the Depths scenario 10 times.
- Puzzle Performer: Complete all of Mardivas’ puzzles listed below.
- Subaquatic Support: Complete 30 Requisition or Bounty daily quests in Nazjatar.
- Explore Mechagon: Explore Mechagon, revealing the covered area of the world map.
- The Eternal Palace Guild Run: Defeat the bosses The Eternal Palace on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
- Mythic: Queen Azshara Guild Run: Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
- Heroic: War is Hell: Complete the Battle for Stromgarde on Heroic Difficulty.
- Heroic: War is Hell: Complete the Battle for Stromgarde on Heroic Difficulty.
- Heroic: Tour of War: Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde on heroic difficulty:
- Heroic: Tour of War: Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde on heroic difficulty:
- Power Progression: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with any Heart of Azeroth Essence at rank 2 or higher.
- Power Creep: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with any Heart of Azeroth Essence at rank 3 or higher.
- Power Is Beautiful: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with any Heart of Azeroth Essence at rank 4.
- Essence Essentials: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with all available Essences for any of your roles.
- Essence Gains: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with all available Essences at rank 2 or higher for any of your roles.
- Essence Overload: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with all available Essences at rank 3 or higher for any of your roles.
- New Tier Three: Apply an Essence of rank 3 or higher into every slot of the Heart of Azeroth.
Logros eliminados
- Diligent Ally: Complete 100 Daily or World Quests in Mechagon or Nazjatar
- Liberación: Libera a 100 esclavos de las garras de los nagas.
Cambios en Cadenas
Índice de campo de batallaRating - PVP_CONQUEST_LOWLEVEL:
No tienes suficiente nivel para usar esta opción. La opciónYou are not high enough level to use this feature yet. The %sse desbloquea con el nivel 70.feature unlocks at level 120. - GUILD_IMPEACH_POPUP_TEXT:
Tu maestro de hermandad está inactivo. Puedes asumir elYour guild master has been flagged as inactive. You may assume controlde la hermandad. ¿Deseas eliminar al maestro de hermandad?of the guild. Do you want to remove the guild master? - CLUB_FINDER_TYPE_COMMUNITY:
No cumples los requisitos necesarios para activar esta esencia.You don’t meet the requirements to apply this essence. - AZERITE_ESSENCE_EMPTY_MAIN_SLOT: |cff71d5ffEmpty
ActivateApply an essence here tobe able to usegain both its Major and Minor powers. - AZERITE_ESSENCE_EMPTY_PASSIVE_SLOT_DESC:
ActivateApply an essence here to be able to use its Minor power. - SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_408:
You are unable to collect data on this target.Requires a Brinestone Pickaxe.
Cadenas nuevas
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_412: Your target is already affected by Tea Time!
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_413: You must complete the quest «The Heart Forge» to infuse an essence.
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_414: This target does not have your Charging Coral.
- AZERITE_ESSENCE_HELPTIP_UNLOCKED_SLOT: You unlocked a new essence slot. Visit the Heart Forge to activate it.
- AZERITE_ESSENCE_HELPTIP_UNLOCKED_POWER: You unlocked a new power. Visit the Heart Forge to activate it.
- AZERITE_ESSENCE_HELPTIP_AVAILABLE_SLOT: An essence slot is available. Shift Right Click to view.
Cambios en monturas
- Raya hinchada Azshari: Los nagas criaban estas rayas en cautividad y les extraían los órganos gaseosos para fabricar sustancias alquímicas que les permitían respirar aire con más facilidad.
|cFFFFD200Logro:|r Gloria del asaltante eterno|n|cFFFFD200Categoría:|r Mazmorras y bandas|n|cFFFFD200Achievement:|r Glory of the Palace Raider|n|cFFFFD200Category:|r Dungeons & Raids|n - Itinerante de Chatarralandia:
La montura que se usa cuando quieres que te vean de verdad es, en efecto, una gigantesca rueda que se mantiene unidaWhen you really want to be noticed… and don’t mind strapping yourself to aduras penas.giant, barely-held-together wheel.
|cFFFFD200Botín: |rAlarroña|n|cFFFFD200Zona: |rMecandria - Bocadragón coralhondo: El bocadragón es un cazador silencioso en el agua, pero en tierra se desenvuelve con mucho menos sigilo.
|cFFFFD200Misión:|r Un regalo de Akana|n|cFFFFD200Quest:|r A Wild Tame|n - Bocadragón acechaalgas: Cuando un bocadragón te muerde, lo importante no es la mordedura en sí, sino el veneno que te empezará a corroer por dentro.
|cFFFFD200Misión:|r Un regalo de Neri|n|cFFFFD200Quest:|r A Good Girl|n - Semental de mareas carmesí: El color sangre de estas criaturas es ideal para esconderse tras grandes formaciones de corales.
|cFFFFD200Vendor: |rMrrl|n|cFFFFD200Zone: |rNazjatar|n|cFFFFD200Cost: |r4|Hitem:169783|h|TInterface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Coin_12.blp:0|t|h 2|Hitem:169780|h|TInterface\ICONS\INV_Alchemy_80_AlchemistStone02.BLP:0|t|h 3|Hitem:169781|h|TInterface\ICONS\Achievement_Dungeon_ClassicRaider.blp:0|t|h 1|Hitem:170100|h|TInterface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Food_111_IcefinFillet.blp:0|t|h|n
Monturas eliminadas
- Kua’fon: Una vez fue una pequeña cría, pero alguien cuidó amorosamente de él hasta que se convirtió en un poderoso pterrordáctilo. Por fin ha aprendido a volar.
|cFFFFD200Misión:|r Derribado pero no acabado|n|cFFFFD200Zona:|r Zuldazar|n