Novedades de la Build 21491 de Legion. La build ya está disponible en el juego y trae muchísimas novedades:
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Encounter Journal
Ursoc Achievement (Needs Name) [NYI] | Defeat Ursoc in the Emerald Nightmare while keeping Tur Ragepaw alive on Normal difficulty or higher . |
<DND> Player has Upgraded Artifact Forge – Monk | |
Brr… It’s Cold in Here | Proud owner of the 2016 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Endothermic Blaster. |
Fighitng with Style: Hidden | Unlock all 4 color variations for your hidden artifact appearance. |
Fighitng with Style: War-torn | Unlock all 4 color variations for your war-torn artifact appearance. |
Fighitng with Style: Valorous | Unlock all 4 color variations for your valorous artifact appearance. |
Fighitng with Style: Upgraded | Unlock all 4 color variations for your upgraded artifact appearance. |
Forged for Battle | Upgrade your artifact forge and be recognized by the members of your Order. |
The Prestige | Successfully reach Prestige level 2 and be recognized for your valor by the leaders of the Horde. |
The Prestige | Successfully reach Prestige level 2 and be recognized for your valor by the leaders of the Alliance. |
Gluten Free | Defeat Trilliax by eating no more than 20 Toxic Slices on Normal Difficulty or higher. |
WoW’s 12th Anniversary | Logged in during WoW’s 12th Anniversary. |
Talents Unlocked | Demon Hunter talents unlocked. |
Doug Test – Completed Trial Boost Experience | |
The Wish Remover | Fish up all of the below coins from the Broken Isles Dalaran fountain. |
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