En esta build traemos nueva información a destacar dos nuevos sets de JcJ, así como las formas épicas de druida gato tanto para la horda como para la alianza. Nuevos iconos, logros, armas 3d y mapas. ¡ Hasta el próximo volumen !
Nota Importante: Los datos en inglés no han sido aún traducidos al castellano por Blizzard. Los links de los «tooltips» se crean automáticamente a la base de datos de la beta de Wowhead (la cual no existe en español y puede contener errores).
Banda de Pandaria |
Gara’jal Stub Do a thing and then defeat Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty. |
Overzealous Defeat Imperial Vizier Zor’lok while every member of the raid is afflicted with the Zealous Parasite debuff. |
Candle in the Wind Defeat Blade Lord Ta’yak while all four braziers are lit, in Heart of Fear on Normal or Heroic difficulty. |
Timing is Everything Defeat two Empyreal Generals within 10 seconds of each other, and then defeat Grand Empress Shek’zeer in Heart of Fear on Normal or Heroic difficulty. |
Who’s Got Two Green Thumbs? Win the Tsulong encounter while keeping the Enchanted Plant alive. |
Campo de batalla puntuado |
Hero of the Horde End a PvP season in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder. Title Reward: Hero of the Horde |
Hero of the Alliance End a PvP season in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder. Title Reward: Hero of the Alliance |
Desafíos de mazmorra |
Temple of the Jade Serpent: Bronze Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Temple of the Jade Serpent Challenger Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent Challenge Mode. |
Temple of the Jade Serpent: Gold Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Temple of the Jade Serpent: Silver Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Stormstout Brewery Challenger Complete the Stormstout Brewery Challenge Mode. |
Stormstout Brewery: Bronze Complete the Stormstout Brewery Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Stormstout Brewery: Silver Complete the Stormstout Brewery Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Stormstout Brewery: Gold Complete the Stormstout Brewery Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Mogu’shan Palace Challenger Complete the Mogu’shan Palace Challenge Mode. |
Mogu’shan Palace: Bronze Complete the Mogu’shan Palace Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Mogu’shan Palace: Silver Complete the Mogu’shan Palace Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Mogu’shan Palace: Gold Complete the Mogu’shan Palace Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Shado-Pan Monastery Challenger Complete the Shado-Pan Monastery Challenge Mode. |
Shado-Pan Monastery: Bronze Complete the Shado-Pan Monastery Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Shado-Pan Monastery: Silver Complete the Shado-Pan Monastery Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Shado-Pan Monastery: Gold Complete the Shado-Pan Monastery Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Gate of the Setting Sun Challenger Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode. |
Gate of the Setting Sun: Bronze Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Gate of the Setting Sun: Silver Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Gate of the Setting Sun: Gold Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Scarlet Halls Challenger Complete the Scarlet Halls Challenge Mode. |
Scarlet Halls: Bronze Complete the Scarlet Halls Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Scarlet Halls: Silver Complete the Scarlet Halls Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Scarlet Halls: Gold Complete the Scarlet Halls Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Scarlet Monastery Challenger Complete the Scarlet Monastery Challenge Mode. |
Scarlet Monastery: Bronze Complete the Scarlet Monastery Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Scarlet Monastery: Silver Complete the Scarlet Monastery Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Scarlet Monastery: Gold Complete the Scarlet Monastery Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Scholomance Challenger Complete the Scholomance Challenge Mode. |
Scholomance: Bronze Complete the Scholomance Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Scholomance: Silver Complete the Scholomance Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Scholomance: Gold Complete the Scholomance Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Siege of Niuzao Temple Challenger Complete the Siege of Niuzao Temple Challenge Mode. |
Siege of Niuzao Temple: Bronze Complete the Siege of Niuzao Temple Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better. |
Siege of Niuzao Temple: Silver Complete the Siege of Niuzao Temple Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better. |
Siege of Niuzao Temple: Gold Complete the Siege of Niuzao Temple Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold. |
Challenge Conqueror Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon. |
Challenge Conquerors – Guild Edition Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon while in a guild group. |
Exploración |
Explore Pandaria Explore the regions of Pandaria. |
Gestas |
Queuing Spree Complete 100 scenarios. |
Brewmoon Festival Defeat Warbringer Qobi in the Brewmoon Festival Scenario. |
Yaungolian Barbecue Complete the Brewmoon Festival Scenario without the village being set on fire. |
Binan Village All-Star Personally use each of the Brewmoon Festival defenses: |
Mazmorra de Pandaria |
Mantid Swarm Defeat Raigonn without killing any of the Mantid reinforcements. |
Burning Man Cause Brother Korloff to light nearby training dummies on fire in Scarlet Monastery on Heroic Difficulty. [NYI/PH] |
And Stay Dead! Allow High Inquisitor Whitemane to cast Mass Resurrection, defeat all revived Scarlet Judicators, and then defeat Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery on Heroic Difficulty. |
Empowered Spiritualneur Defeat Thalnos the Soulrender while three Empowered Zombies are alive. |
Mazmorras y bandas |
100,000 Valor Points Earn 100,000 Valor Points |
Pandaria Dungeon Hero Complete the heroic Pandaria dungeon achievements listed below. |
Tranquil Master Purge Pandaria of Sha corruption, defeating each known manifestation of negative emotion. Title Reward: Tranquil Master |
Glory of the Pandaria Hero Complete the Pandaria Heroic dungeon achievements listed below. Reward: Mount [PH] |
Glory of the Pandaria Raider Complete the Pandaria raid achievements listed below. Reward: Mount [PH] |
Pandaria |
Explore Valley of the Four Winds Explore Valley of the Four Winds, revealing the covered areas of the world map. |
Explore Krasarang Wilds Explore Krasarang Wilds, revealing the covered areas of the world map. |
Explore Kun-Lai Summit Explore Kun-Lai Summit, revealing the covered areas of the world map. |
Explore Townlong Steppes Explore Townlong Steppes, revealing the covered areas of the world map. |
Explore Dread Wastes (NYI) Explore Dread Wastes, revealing the covered areas of the world map. |
Explore Vale of Eternal Blossoms Explore the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, revealing the covered areas of the world map. |
Proezas de fuerza |
Hero of the Alliance: Cataclysmic End PvP season 11 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder. |
Cataclysmic Gladiator Achieved Cataclysmic Gladiator title. |
Hero of the Horde: Cataclysmic End PvP season 11 in the top .5% of the rated battleground ladder. |
Templo de Kotmogu |
Four Square Hold all four Orbs of Power at least once in a single Temple of Kotmogu battle. |
Powerball Hold an Orb of Power in the center of the Temple of Kotmogu for 90 seconds. |
Blackout Kill 100 enemies that are holding an Orb of Power. |
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop Kill 100 enemies while holding an Orb of Power. |
I’ve Got the Power Win Temple of Kotmogu while controlling all 4 Orbs of Power. |
Victory is Mine! Earn 8,000 Victory Points for your team in Temple of Kotmogu. |
Temple of Kotmogu All-Star Hold four Orbs of Power and kill four enemies who are holding an Orb of Power in a single Temple of Kotmogu match. |
Master of Temple of Kotmogu Complete the Temple of Kotmogu achievements listed below. |
Banda de Pandaria |
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better… Defeat Feng the Accursed in Normal or Heroic difficulty after mimicking each of the following abilities: Derrota a Feng el Maldito tras imitar las siguientes facultades: |
The Mind-KillerSha of Fear stub Defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any raid members being feared by Dread Spray or Breath of Fear. Sha of Fear stub in Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal or Heroic difficulty. |
Face ClutchersLei Shi Stub Defeat Lei Shi while all members of the raid are afflicted by Parasitic Clutch in Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal or Heroic difficulty. Lei Shi stub in Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal or Heroic difficulty. |
Must Love Dog Defeat the Stone Guard in Mogu’shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty while every member of your raid is accompanied by a canine companion pet. Defeat The Stone Guard without any player exceeding 50% petrification in Mogu’shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty. |
Heroic: TsulongHeroic: Nalomoni Defeat Tsulong in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty. Defeat Nalomoni in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty. |
Nightmare of Shek’zeerNightmare of Shak’zeer Defeat the final three bosses in Heart of Fear. |
Desafíos de Mazmorra |
Challenge Conqueror: BronzeTodo bronce: Mists of Pandaria Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Bronze or better. Consigue un desafío de bronce en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria.Title |
Challenge Conquerors: Bronze – Guild EditionFull Bronze: Mists of Pandaria – Guild Edition Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Bronze or better while in a guild group. Consigue un desafío de bronce en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria en un grupo de hermandad.Title: The Challenged (NNF) |
Challenge Conquerors: Silver – Guild EditionFull Silver: Mists of Pandaria – Guild Edition Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Silver or better while in a guild group. Consigue un desafío de plata en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria en un grupo de hermandad. |
Challenge Conquerors: Gold – Guild EditionFull Gold: Mists of Pandaria – Guild Edition Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Gold while in a guild group. Consigue un desafío de oro en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria en un grupo de hermandad.Sweet mount |
Guild Hardware – Bronze Complete 50 Challenge Mode dungeons with a rating of Bronze or better while in a guild group. Consigue un melda de bronce en 50 mazmorras de modo desafío en un grupo de hermandad. |
Guild Hardware – Silver Complete 50 Challenge Mode dungeons with a rating of Silver or better while in a guild group. Consigue un melda de plata en 50 mazmorras de modo desafío en un grupo de hermandad. |
Guild Hardware – Gold Complete 50 Challenge Mode dungeons with a rating of Gold while in a guild group. Consigue un melda de oro en 50 mazmorras de modo desafío en un grupo de hermandad. |
Challenge Conqueror: GoldTodo oro: Mists of Pandaria Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Gold. Consigue un desafío de oro en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria.Full set of class-specific transmogrifiable armor |
Challenge Conqueror: SilverTodo bronce: Mists of Pandaria Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Silver or better. Consigue un desafío de plata en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria.Mount |
Duelos de Mascotas |
Time To Open a Pet Store Earn 335 pet battle achievement points. Consigue 400 puntos de logros de mascotas de batalla.Title Reward: Tamer |
Exploración |
Explorador del mundo Explore Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, Northrend, the areas revealed by the Cataclysm, and Pandaria. Explora los Reinos del Este, Kalimdor, Terrallende, Rasganorte y las zonas descubiertas por el Cataclismo.Título recompensa: el Explorador |
Pandaria |
Explore Jade ForestExplore Jade Forest (NYI) Explora el Bosque de Jade y descubre todas las zonas cubiertas del mapa del mundo. |
Proezas de Fuerza |
Realm First! Pandaren Ambassador First person on the realm to gain Exalted reputation with all pandaren factions. Primer jugador del reino en ganar reputación Exaltado con la Cruzada Argenta, el Acuerdo del Reposo del Dragón, el Kirin Tor y los caballeros de la Espada de Ébano. |
Pandaria |
What a View (NYI) Visita cada una de las 10.000 cascadas de Pandaria. |
Desafíos de Mazmorras |
Bronze Challenge: Stormstout Brewery |
Bronze Challenge: Stormstout Brewery |
Silver Challenge: Stormstout Brewery |
Silver Challenge: Stormstout Brewery
A piece of challenge armor. |
Gold Challenge: Stormstout Brewery |
Gold Challenge: Stormstout Brewery |
Realm First: Gold Challenge: Stormstout Brewery (feat) |
Realm First: Full Bronze: Mists of Pandaria (feat) |
Realm First: Gold Challenge: Temple of the Jade Serpent (feat) |
Realm First: Gold Challenge: Temple of the Jade Serpent (feat) |
Realm First: Full Silver: Mists of Pandaria (feat) |
Realm First: Full Silver: Mists of Pandaria (feat) |
Realm First: Full Gold: Mists of Pandaria (feat) |
Full Platinum: Mists of Pandaria – Guild Edition Consigue un desafío platino en todas las mazmorras de Mists of Pandaria en un grupo de hermandad. Sweet mount |
Guild Hardware – Platinum Consigue un melda de platino en 50 mazmorras de modo desafío en un grupo de hermandad. |