¡El datamining de la Alfa de Battle for Azeroth ha comenzado! La primera build, 25902, ya está disponible en los servidores, aunque aún no es jugable.
Vamos a mostrar todo el contenido que podamos y poco a poco añadiremos novedades a la web.
NOTA: Todos los datos aquí mostrados son del cliente en español de la Alfa de Battle for Azeroth. Las partes en inglés están así en el cliente, no habiendo sido traducidas aún.
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Remix to Ignition: Defeat Knight Captain Valyri without detonating any Munitions in Tol Dagor on Mythic difficulty.
- A Sound Plan: Complete the Tiragarde Sound storylines listed below.
Nuevas áreas
Datos originales de WowChakra
Sacerdotisa Alun’za |
Vol’kaal |
Rezan |
Yazma |
Capitán de los cielos Kragg |
Council o’ Captains |
Anillo de botín |
Lord Harlan Sweete |
Jefe de Kul Tiras |
Chopper Redhook |
Hadal Brazasombría |
Lady Gobernalle |
Reina de las arenas |
Jes Howlis |
Maga de ignición Valyri |
Sobrestante Korgus |
Repartetundas de pago |
Tik’ali |
Rixxa Fluxfume |
Mogul Razdunk |
Dúo de jefes nagas |
Trol de sangre |
Esqueleto fúngico |
Consejo de las brujas |
Goliat de mimbre |
Lord y lady Crestavía |
Jefe tragadón |
Terror de alma |
G’huun |
Gólem sangriento |
Adderis y Aspix |
Merektha |
Galvazzt |
Avatar de Sethraliss |
Quimera |
Elemental |
Consejo |
Sacerdote |
Ignoto |
Elemental de sangre |
Mithix |
Discos titánicos |
Nuevos eventos
Datos originales de WowChakra
14.º aniversario de WoW |
15.º aniversario de WoW |
Nuevas gestas
Datos originales de WowChakra
La Batalla por Stromgarde |
El asedio de Lordaeron |
La ciudad de oro |
Fuerte Libre |
Excavación de Kezan |
Excavación de Kezan |
Mazmorra de Boralus |
Combate básico |
La caída de Lordaeron |
Tol Dagor |
Mansión Crestavía |
¡Contraataque! |
Catacumbas Putrefactas |
Extracción en Ventormenta |
Altar de la Tormenta |
Instrucción de combate |
La ciudad de oro |
La ciudad de oro |
La ciudad de oro |
La ciudad de oro |
Excavación de Kezan |
Mazmorra de Boralus |
Mazmorra de Boralus |
Mazmorra de Boralus |
Mazmorra de Boralus |
Mazmorra de Boralus |
Tol Dagor |
Tol Dagor |
Mansión Crestavía |
Mansión Crestavía |
Nuevas escenas
Datos originales de WowChakra
Islands – Complete Text |
Mage – Puzzle Room – MAIN GAME – DGK |
Battles – Technology Test – Camera – DGK |
8.0 Islands – Prototype – Intro – Ogre Island |
8.0 Nazmir – Q:47241 – Bwu’ja Spirit Sight – LWB |
8.0 Zuldazar – Glamour Scene – ZTO |
8.0 Vol’dun – Ch 1 – «Into the Dunes» Sethrak Ritual (JAP) |
8.0 Zuldazar – Quest («Rastakhan», Rastakhan Greeting 01, Scene) – ZTO |
8.0 Nazmir – Q: 47249 – Restore to Life – LWB |
8.0 Zuldazar – Quest («Rastakhan», Rastakhan Throne Approach Conversation, Conversation) – ZTO |
8.0 Nazmir – Q:47244 – Soul Harvest – LWB |
8.0 Nazmir – Q: 47631 – Sea Giant Cameo – LWB |
8.0 Zuldazar – Zeb’ahari Cannons (ZTO) |
8.0 Kul Tiras: (DLA) – Intro – Prison Island – Jailbreak |
8.0 Nazmir – Frog Loa Cave – Ambient Scene – JMC |
8.0 Nazmir – Q47525 – Blood Troll Army Scene – JMC/LWB |
8.0 Kul Tiras: (DLA) – Intro – Prison Island – Getaway Boat OLD REUSE |
8.0 Kul Tiras: (DLA) – Intro – Prison Island – Getaway Boat |
8.0 Zuldazar: zto – Mistress Ssin Intro |
8.0 Lordaeron Scenario – Alliance – Sylvanas Blow Your Horn – CRT |
8.0 Nazmir – Q: 47880 – Ritual Circle Drawing – LWB |
8.0 Kul Tiras: (DLA) – Outlaw Town – Flynn’s Spyglass Client Scene |
8.0 Zuldazar: zto – Battlefield: Blood Gate |
8.0 Nazmir – Necropolis – Spirits – LWB |
8.0 Zuldazar: zto – The Coup [TEMP] |
8.0 Nazmir – Side Story – SF – Sethrak Elite Reveal – (STM) |
8.0 Lordaeron Scenario – Alliance – Sylvanas Retreat 2 – CRT |
8.0 Nazmir Riverboat Ride – Shooting Gallery – (STM) |
Test – Darren’s Test WMO |
Test – Darren’s Script Error |
8.0 Nazmir Chapter 1 – Blood Troll Chase – (STM) |
8.0 Zuldazar Finale – ZTO |
8.0 Nazmir – Naz’watha – Titan Disc Explanation Scene, Blood Troll Army Reveal – (STM) |
8.0 Nazmir – Naz’watha – Blood Troll Army – (STM) |
8.0 Zuldazar – Warpack (ZTO) |
8.0 Zuldazar: zto – The Coup |
8.0 Professions – Inscription – Slinging Ink – Rune A |
8.0 Professions – Inscription – Slinging Ink – Runes Package – SCS |
8.0 Nazmir – Chapter 8 – Talanji – LWB |
8.0 Nazmir – Chapter 8 – Bwonsamdi – LWB |
DEPRECATED – 7.3.5 [ARN] Allied Races Intro – Nightborne – IGC |
8.0 Professions – Inscription – Slinging Ink – Rune B |
8.0 Professions – Inscription – Slinging Ink – Rune C |
8.0 Nazmir – Bat Rider Army – (STM) |
8.0 Lordaeron Scenario – Azerite Machine Arrives – CRT |
8.0 Uldum – Gnomebliteration (RKS) |
8.0 Zuldazar – Quest («Welcome to Zuldazar», Intro Scene ) – ZTO |
8.0 Zuldazar – Horde Hub (ZTO) |
Test – Robin’s Test WMO (IGC) |
8.0 Nazmir – Zul’Nazman – Gun Fire #1 – Play Client Scene – LWB |
8.0 Nazmir – Zul’Nazman – Gun Fire #2 – Play Client Scene – LWB |
8.0 [AWM] Azerite War Machine – IGC |
8.0 [SLS] Saurfang’s Last Stand – IGC |
8.0 [SBA] Lordaeron Scenario – Sylvanas Blocks Alliance (Exploding Cisterns) – IGC |
8.0 [SDB] Lordaeron Scenario – Sylvanas Dumps Blight – IGC |
8.0 Zuldazar – Warbeast Kraal – Direhorn Training Course – Bystanders Scene – SBV |
IGC Framework Candidates (for Testing) |
8.0 Zuldazar – City of Gold Approach (ZtO) |
Larry Bug Test – LWB |
8.0 Nazmir – Chapter 1 – Blood Troll Reveal Scene – (STM) |
8.0 War Campaign – Alliance – Zuldazar – Dark Iron Lava Romp (RKS) |
8.0 Vol’dun – Sethrak Fortress – CH6 Q03 – Korthek Meeting (JDA) |
8.0 Zandalar Finale Ambient – ZTO |
8.0 Zandalar Finale – Bat Rider Army – ZTO |
8.0 War Campaign – Alliance – Zuldazar – Dark Iron Lava Romp (RKS) (copy) [OLD] |
8.0 Vol’dun – Sethrak Fortress – CH6 Q05 – Korthek Market (JDA) |
8.0 Vol’dun – Sethrak Fortress – CH6 Q07 – Korthek Spire (JDA) |
8.0 Nazmir – Fallen Outpost – World Quest – Cancel the Blood Troll Apocalypse – (STM) |
8.0 Vol’dun – Sethrak Fortress – CH6 Q07 – Korthek Fall (JDA) |
Nuevos Jefes y encuentros
Datos originales de WowChakra
Yazma | Having consumed the might of Shadra, the spider loa, Yazma is now tasked with holding the sacred temple of Atal’Dazar for her master, the Prophet Zul. |
Vol’kaal | In life Vol’kaal was a trusted bodyguard of Yazma. Since his untimely death, she has used her newfound powers to reanimate the corpse of her former lieutenant who can now serve for eternity. |
Priestess Alun’za | As a fanatical defender of Atal’Dazar’s golden sanctum, Priestess Alun’za has come to cleanse the temple of all corruption at any cost. |
Rezan | Rezan, once a loa to the Zuldazar kings, had his soul torn from his body during a ritual. Now, only a twisted husk remains, bent on devouring anyone who enters his hunting grounds. |
Council o’ Captains | Captains Raoul, Eudora, and Jolly meet within Freehold to drink and confer. They lead the Blacktooth Brawlers, Bilge Rats, and Cutwater Corsairs crews, currently gathered under the banner of the Irontide by Harlan Sweete. |
Anillo de botín | Within Freehold, there is a fighting tournament where the fiercest brigands from across the seas test their might. This rogue’s gallery consists of a strange assortment of contenders, but none so fearsome as the current champion, Shark Puncher. Countless challengers have sought to topple the powerful pugilist, but all of them have ended up as chum. |
Harlan Sweete | Harlan Sweete is the leader of the Irontide Raiders, and his vast wealth is only exceeded by his sliminess. Currently bankrolled by the Lady Ashvane, Sweete has been tasked with uniting the crews of those who sail the seas of Kul Tiras. |
Sobrestante Korgus | |
The Sand Queen | |
Jes Howlis | |
Maga de ignición Valyri | |
Skycap’n Kragg | Skycap’n Kragg and his faithful mount Sharkbait are the guardians of Freehold, continously patrolling the sky on the lookout for intruders. At least, that is what their supposed to be doing. Instead, these two are often found snoozing in their crow’s nest or dropping guano on unsuspecting victims from above. |
Repartetundas de pago | When goblins fight, the winner of the argument is the one with the deepest purse. Why? Because they can afford to pay the Pummeler. |
Tik’ali | Goblins drilling for Azerite have disturbed a powerful earth spirit, Tik’ali, who has taken physical form to exact vengance! |
Rixxa Fluxflame | Overseeing the creation of the Venture Co’s supply of Agent Azerite, Rixxa is a reknowned chemist and known pyromaniac. |
Mogul Razzdunk | Never able to ascend to Trade Prince, Mogul Razzdunk is certain that becoming the world’s foremost Azerite baron will let him bridge the gap. |
Witch Council | |
Goliat de mimbre | |
Lord and Lady Waycrest | |
Sporecaller Zancha | In life, Zancha warded the Nazmani from the physical and mental corruptions of the Blood God. In death, Zancha has succumbed to the Blood God, forever spreading his rot and echoing his dark whispers. |
Infested Crawg | An ancient crawg has inadvertently been corrupted by the Blood God. It roams the Underrot, bloodthirsty and infested with his spawn. |
Chopper Redhook | Chopper Redhook’s brutality is feared throughout Kul Tiras. Supported by Irontide forces, Chopper is free to rampage through Boralus, relishing the choas rampant in the streets. |
Sergeant Bainbridge | Sergeant Bainbridge is a devout officer that vehemently enforces the will of the Kul Tiran church. Believing that his faith places him above all others, Bainbridge is quick to send those who oppose him to the noose. |
Hadal Darkfathom | Hadal Darkfathom is an ancient sea giant called from the depths to unleash his fury on Boralus. Using his powerful strength he crushes buildings, statues and civilians alike. |
T’zane | |
Lady Gobernalle | Lady Ashvane is the powerful Matron of House Ashvane and seeks to bring Boralus under her control. With an arsenal of azerite weapons at her command, she will obliterate anyone who stands in her path. |
Ji’arak | |
Adderis y Aspix | |
Boss 2 | |
Trash Chimaera | A chimaera, but in trash! |
G’huun | <PH> |
Elemental | Temp description here |
Council | Temp description here |
Priest | Temp description here |
Faceless | Temp description here |
Elder Leaxa | |
Taloc the Corrupted |
Nuevas Bandas y Mazmorras
Datos originales de WowChakra
Atal’Dazar | For millennia, the Zandalari kings were laid to rest within the tombs of Atal’Dazar, secluded high atop the mountain Mugamba. These pyramids grew more elaborate with each passing ruler, as new rooms were constructed to house the deceased’s vast wealth. Now, these once pristine halls have been corrupted by the Prophet Zul and his trusted lieutenant, Yazma, who seek to twist the power of these ancient kings for their own dark machinations. |
Freehold | Freehold has traditionally served as a haven for pirates, scoundrels, and those who wish to live free of Kul Tiran control. Now, the Irontide Raiders have brought the city under their harsh rule and are coercing the various pirate crews under their banner. While the pirates gather, a small group of heroes must infiltrate the town and eliminate their leadership to dissolve this growing alliance of cutthroats. |
Tol Dagor | |
Kezan | |
Drustvar Manor | |
The Underrot | |
Siege of Boralus | Lady Ashvane has unleashed her endgame and set her forces against Boralus. As the city burns, a small group of heroes must quell the rising choas and put an end to Ashvane’s plan to dominate the region. |
Kul Tiras | |
Zandalar | |
Temple of Sethraliss | |
Uldir | |
Shrine of the Storm |
Nuevas Monedas
Datos originales de WowChakra
Restos de armadura | Obtenidos de las tropas y vehículos enemigos que hay en el frente de guerra. Se utilizan para entrenar tropas y desarrollar investigaciones. |
Suministros de bastión | Se utilizan para construir estructuras e investigar mejoras en un frente de guerra. |
Fragmento de arqueología Zandalari | |
Fragmento de arqueología de Kul Tiras | |
Madera | Obtenida de los montones de madera que hay en el frente de guerra. Se utiliza para construir edificios y tropas. |
Hierro | Gathered by peons when a mine is captured. Used in the construction of buildings and troops. |
Azerita | La sangre de Azeroth se cristaliza en fragmentos de azerita, un material de un poder y una potencia extremos. |
Esencia de tormenta | Se obtiene de tropas poderosas en el frente de guerra. Se usa para invocar a héroes. |
[PH] |
Nuevas Razas
Datos originales de WowChakra
ZandalariTroll | Zandalari Troll | Zandalari troll | |
KulTiran | Kul’Tiran | Kul’Tiran | |
ThinHuman | Human |
Nuevas Zonas
Datos originales de WowChakra
KezanDungeon | Mina de Azerita Goblin |
TEMPJTZandalarSwamp | [TEMP] JT Zandalar Swamp |
xxOLDZuldazar | xxOLD – Zuldazar City |
Highmountain | |
Viperville | Villavíbora |
8DesertCanyonTest | 8DesertCanyonTest |
TheUnderrot | Catacumbas Putrefactas |
Islands | Islas |
WinterAB | |
TEMPCVKulTirasIsland | [TEMP] CV Kul Tiras Island |
Zuldazar | Zuldazar |
Nazmir | Nazmir |
Voldun | Vol’dun |
SouthSeasZandalar | Mares del Sur |
Underrot | Catacumbas Putrefactas |
ArathiBasin | Cuenca de Arathi |
TheGreatSeaKulTiras | Mare Magnum |
Tiragarde | Estrecho de Tiragarde |
KulTirasCapital | Boralus |
MSandersTest2016 | |
ArathiBasin | AI Test Map 8 – Arathi Basin |
AnimationPlayground | Parque de Animaciones |
HackathonCV | [TEMP] Hackaton CV |
HackathonRace | [TEMP] Hackaton Race |
HackathonCV | [TEMP] Hackaton Race |
TrollbaneHall | Bastión de Aterratrols |
DefilersDen | Guarida de los Rapiñadores |
PHJTTestWorld | [PH] JT Test World |
Barterdocks | Muelle del Trueque |
PortofZandalar | Puerto de Zandalar |
GrandBazaar | Gran Bazar |
Talfarrak | Tal’farrak |
Talaman | Tal’aman |
GurubashiEmbassy | Embajada Gurubashi |
Dazaralor | Dazar’alor |
AltarofSanbwoni | Altar de Sanbwoni |
TheFrogmarsh | Fangorrana |
ArathiBasinAITestDebug | AI Test Map – Arathi Basin (Debug Version) |
WarsongGulchAITestDebug | Garganta Grito de Guerra |
SilverwingHoldAITestDebug | Bastión Ala de Plata |
WarsongLumberMillAITestDebug | Serrería Grito de Guerra |
TheRivermarsh | Ciénaga Fluvial |
ZuljanRuins | Ruinas de Zul’jan |
ZulNazman | Zul’Nazman |
TheFallenOutpost | Avanzada Caída |
Bloodwash | Lavado de sangre |
TheSunderedRiver | Rivera Quebrada |
GloomHollow | Cuenca Tenebrosa |
KulTirasCapitalKeep | Fuerte Valiente |
KulTirasCapitalHarborFront | Puerto de Boralus |
KulTirasCapitalHub | Mercado de Boralus |
WarbeastKraal | Redil Bestia de Guerra |
Drustvar | Drustvar |
BloodGate | Puerta de Sangre |
TheSavageFront | Frente Salvaje |
Razlotec | Raz’lotec |
TerraceofWar | Bancal de Guerra |
Zanchul | Zanchul |
GardenoftheLoa | Jardín de los Loa |
ShrineofPaku | Santuario de Pa’ku |
TheSliver | Resquicio Frondoso |
PlateauofNaz | Meseta de Naz |
MountMugamba | Monte Mugamba |
TempleoftheProphet | Templo del Profeta |
Zebahari | Zeb’ahari |
TempleofRezan | Templo de Rezan |
NorthernBarrens80Warfronts | Los Baldíos del Norte |
Durotar80Warfronts | Durotar |
DarkspearStrand80Warfronts | Playa Lanza Negra |
SenjinVillage80Warfronts | Poblado Sen’jin |
SenjinVillageOutskirts80Warfronts | Afueras del Poblado Sen’jin |
NorthwatchFoothold80Warfronts | Ciudadela del Fuerte del Norte |
TheMerchantCoast80Warfronts | La Costa Mercante |
EchoIslesStart80Warfronts | Islas del Eco |
ZalazanesFall80Warfronts | Caída de Zalazane |
TheGreatSea80Warfronts | Mare Magnum |
DarkspearShore80Warfronts | Costa Lanza Negra |
DarkspearIsle80Warfronts | Isla Lanza Negra |
BloodtalonShore80Warfronts | Costa Garrasangre |
ValleyofTrialsStart80Warfronts | Valle de los Retos |
ValleyofTrials80Warfronts | Valle de los Retos |
SpiritRock80Warfronts | Roca de los Espíritus |
HiddenPath80Warfronts | Sendero Oculto |
FrayIsland80Warfronts | Isla de Batalla |
Ratchet80Warfronts | Trinquete |
TheTidusStair80Warfronts | El Escalón de la Marea |
SouthfuryRiver80Warfronts | Río Furia del Sur |
SouthfuryRiver80Warfronts | Río Furia del Sur |
SouthernBarrens80Warfronts | Los Baldíos del Sur |
TheStagnantOasis80Warfronts | El Oasis Estancado |
TheCrossroads80Warfronts | El Cruce |
LushwaterOasis80Warfronts | Oasis Aguaverde |
GoldRoad80Warfronts | Camino del Oro |
TheOvergrowth80Warfronts | La Hojarasca |
TheGreatDivide80Warfronts | La Gran División |
Mulgore80Warfronts | Mulgore |
RedRocks80Warfronts | Roca Roja |
HuntersHill80Warfronts | Cerro del Cazador |
TheHighRoad80Warfronts | La Carretera |
HonorsStand80Warfronts | El Alto del Honor |
TheGoldenPlains80Warfronts | Las Llanuras Doradas |
WindfuryRidge80Warfronts | Cresta Viento Furioso |
CampUnafe80Warfronts | Campamento Una’fe |
TaurajoRuins80Warfronts | Ruinas de Taurajo |
MulgoreGate80Warfronts | La Gran Puerta |
FieldsofBlood80Warfronts | Campos de Sangre |
VendettaPoint80Warfronts | Punta Vendetta |
TheRollingPlains80Warfronts | Las Llanuras Onduladas |
WinterhoofWaterWell80Warfronts | Pozo Pezuña Invernal |
BloodhoofVillage80Warfronts | Poblado Pezuña de Sangre |
StonebullLake80Warfronts | Lago Toro de Piedra |
RavagedCaravan80Warfronts | Caravana Devastada |
TheVentureCoMine80Warfronts | Mina Ventura y Cía. |
CampNaracheStart80Warfronts | Campamento Narache |
BramblebladeRavine80Warfronts | Barranco Cortazarza |
RedCloudMesa80Warfronts | Mesa de la Nube Roja |
TheThornsnarl80Warfronts | El Gruñospina |
Feralas80Warfronts | Feralas |
FrazzlecrazMotherlode80Warfronts | Filón Catacroquer |
TwinbraidsPatrol80Warfronts | Patrulla de Trenzado |
Battlescar80Warfronts | Marca de Guerra |
DesolationHold80Warfronts | Bastión de la Desolación |
LowerWilds80Warfronts | Bajas Tierras Salvajes |
NewThalanaar80Warfronts | Nueva Thalanaar |
ThousandNeedles80Warfronts | Las Mil Agujas |
WestreachSummit80Warfronts | Cima Tramo Oeste |
TheGreatLift80Warfronts | El Gran Elevador |
DarkcloudPinnacle80Warfronts | Cumbre de la Nube Negra |
RazorfenDowns80Warfronts | Zahúrda Rajacieno |
Dustwallow80WarfrontsDELETEME | Dustwallow Marsh UNUSED |
TheDragonmurk80Warfronts | El Pantano del Dragón |
BaelModanExcavation80Warfronts | Excavación de Bael Modan |
BaelModan80Warfronts | Bael Modan |
Dustwallow80Warfronts | Marjal Revolcafango |
ShadyRestInn80Warfronts | Posada Reposo Umbrío |
Spearhead80Warfronts | Punta de Lanza |
FirestonePoint80Warfronts | Punta Piedra de Fuego |
BloodfenBurrow80Warfronts | Madriguera de los Cienorrojo |
FortTriumph80Warfronts | Fuerte Triunfo |
LostPoint80Warfronts | Punta Perdida |
NorthPointTower80Warfronts | Torre de la Punta Norte |
Bluefen80Warfronts | Ciénaga Azul |
DarkmistCavern80Warfronts | Cueva Niebla Negra |
BrackenwallVillage80Warfronts | Poblado Murohelecho |
TheDenofFlame80Warfronts | Cubil de la Llama |
StonemaulRuins80Warfronts | Ruinas Quebrantarrocas |
Mudsprocket80Warfronts | Piñón de Barro |
Wyrmbog80Warfronts | Ciénaga de Fuego |
BeezilsWreck80Warfronts | Siniestro de Beezil |
TabethasFarm80Warfronts | Granja de Tabetha |
DirehornPost80Warfronts | Puesto Cuernoatroz |
TheQuagmire80Warfronts | El Lodazal |
WitchHill80Warfronts | Colina de las Brujas |
DustwallowBay80Warfronts | Bahía Revolcafango |
TidefuryCove80Warfronts | Cala Furiamarea |
TheNightmareScar80Warfronts | Paraje Pesadilla |
OvergrownCamp80Warfronts | Campamento Hojarasca |
ForwardCommand80Warfronts | Mando de Vanguardia |
BlackhoofVillage80Warfronts | Poblado Pezuñanegra |
NorthwatchHold80Warfronts | Fuerte del Norte |
TeegansExpedition80Warfronts | Expedición de Teegan |
TheGreatSea80Warfronts | Mare Magnum |
AlcazIsland80Warfronts | Isla de Alcaz |
DreadmurkShore80Warfronts | Playa Tenebruma |
SwamplightManor80Warfronts | Mansión Cienaluz |
SentryPoint80Warfronts | Alto del Centinela |
NatsLanding80Warfronts | Embarcadero de Nat |
TheramoreIsle80Warfronts | Isla Theramore |
Islands | Isla Media Luna |
TiragardeRedoubt | Reducto de Tiragarde |
TheGravewood | Sototumba |
GolInath | Gol Inath |
FatesEnd | Fin del Destino |
WarbeastKraal | Tierras Vírgenes Kwathari |
Kazai | Kaz’ai |
GlenbrookHomestead | Hacienda Valarroyo |
PrisonersPass | Paso de los Prisioneros |
VulperaHideaway | Escondrijo Vulpera |
AbandonedBurrows | Desfiladeros Abandonados |
ThePricklyGrove | Páramo Rocoso |
TheBrineBasin | Cauce Salobre |
SlitheringPlains | Llanuras Sinuosas |
CourtofZakrajan | Corte de Zak’rajan |
RuinsofAtulAman | Ruinas de Atul’Aman |
TempleofAkunda | Templo de Akunda |
TheBlisteringWastes | Páramos Abrasadores |
TempestCanyon | Cañón de la Tempestad |
RandallsRefuge | Refugio de Randall |
DeadwoodCove | Cala Selvamuerta |
AshvaneEncampment | Campamento Gobernalle |
TheThunderingTerrace | Mirador del Trueno |
SanctuaryoftheDevoted | Santuario de los Devotos |
TheForgottenMarsh | Marisma Olvidada |
BoulderedBluffs | Cimas Rocosas |
HiddenHollow | Cuenca Oculta |
ExilesEnclave | Enclave de los Exiliados |
SlitheringGulch | Barranco Sinuoso |
SkycallersSpire | Aguja de los Clamacielos |
SandscorchedCleft | Grieta Abrasarena |
DeadMansPass | Paso del Hombre Muerto |
ThunderingGorge | Desfiladero del Trueno |
TheEternalSpring | Manantial Eterno |
SunkenShallows | Bajíos Hundidos |
TheEyrie | Nido de las Águilas |
TheNecropolis | Necrópolis |
TheZocaloScenario | El Zócalo |
KulTirasBoralusFoundry | Fundición Gobernalle |
KulTirasFerryDockBoralusSouth | Estación Punto Este |
GlenbrookWoods | Coto de Caza Valarroyo |
ZobalRuins | Ruinas de Zo’bal |
KulTirasBreweryTown | Wellington |
CursedRuins | Puerto de Zem’lan |
WhistlebloomOasis | Oasis Flor Silbante |
TheCrackedCoast | Costa Escarpada |
Talgurub | Tal’gurub |
AltarOfRot | Altar de Putrefacción |
TheSlough | Remanso Frondoso |
RazorjawRiver | Río Quijatajo |
NesingwarysTrek | Travesía de Nesingwary |
FesterrootBog | Pantano Descompuesto |
ThePreserves | Reserva de Caza |
TempleofKimbulDONOTUSE | Templo de Kimbul |
TempleRuins | Ruinas del Templo |
DarkwoodHaunt | Marisma Selva Umbría |
UpperFrogmarsh | Fangorrana Superior |
Rootway | Sendarraíz |
HeadhunterLodge | Refugio de los Rebanacabezas |
Zalamak | Zal’amak |
FangcallerCavern | Caverna de Llamacolmillos |
Nazagal | Naz’agal |
TheSunderedSpan | Extensión Desgarrada |
ForlornRuins | Ruinas Inhóspitas |
RuinsofLordaeronScenario | Ruinas de Lordaeron |
KulTirasBoralusBridgeTown | Puertopuente |
ScaletraderPost | Puesto Proveescamas |
DevAreaH | Dev Area – H (copy) |
GolThovas | Gol Thovas |
DevAreaI | Dev Area – I |
GoldtuskInn | Posada Colmillo Dorado |
CracklingRidge | Cresta Restallante |
AtulAman | Atul’Aman |
CrystallineValley | Valle Cristalino |
TerraceoftheDevoted | Bancal de los Devotos |
RedrockMesa | Meseta Peñarroja |
RedrockHarbor | Puerto Peñarroja |
DinoSkeleton | Xibala |
Zalamar | Zala’mar |
TerraceOfSorrows | Bancal de los Pesares |
PrimalWetlands | Humedales Primigenios |
UroksLair | Guarida de Urok |
Nazwatha | Naz’watha |
Torgasrest | Reposo de Torga |
AtulNazman | Atul’Nazman |
TheHeartofDarkness | Corazón de la oscuridad |
KragwasBurrow | Madriguera de Krag’wa |
WaywardShoals | Fangal Olvidado |
KulTirasPrisonIsland | La Prisión |
80WarfrontsPrototypeMain | Prototipo Principal de Frentes de Guerra |
ZuldazarReliquaryCamp | Campo del Relicario |
ZuldazarExplorersLeagueCamp | Campamento de la Liga de Expedicionarios |
TheDreadmire | Lodazal Apocalíptico |
SanctumoftheClaw | Sagrario de la Garra |
NorwingtonEstate | Hacienda de Norwington |
TestEnvArtTina01 | [Test] Environment Art – Tina 01 |
CarversHarbor | Puerto del Tallador |
CityofGold | Atal’Dazar |
HozenIsland | Isla Hozen |
Fallhaven | Albergue del Ocaso |
ShroudedFoothills | Laderas Brumosas |
FallhavenRanch | Rancho del Albergue del Ocaso |
ShrineofShadra | Santuario de Shadra |
LairofRezan | Guarida de Rezan |
BloodBog | Pantano de Sangre |
Nathavor | Natha’vor |
StormsongValley | Valle Canto Tormenta |
AtalGral | Atal’Gral |
ScavengersStrand | Playa del Carroñero |
TorjaiTarPits | Fosas de Alquitrán Shoal’jai |
KragwasShore | Orilla de Krag’wa |
AntulMitaPlateau | Meseta Antul’Mita |
FoxhollowWoods | Bosque de Vallecánido |
ZaldraxiasCamp | Campamento de Zaldraxia |
MistfallCleft | Grieta Bruma Otoñal |
AreaWhereLawIsRoutinelyBroken | Fuerte Libre |
TEMPCVJulienTest | [TEMP] CV JulienTest |
TropicalIsle | |
AnglepointWharf | Embarcadero Puntamuelle |
AnglepointBay | Bahía Puntamuelle |
HangmansPoint | Punto del Verdugo |
WatchersWood | Bosque del Vigía |
HawthornesPlot | Terreno de Hawthorne |
ZulAhjin | Zul’Ahjin |
GolKoval | Gol Koval |
SirenCoveSouthEast | Canal Ululante |
TheOldSeawall | Antiguo Dique |
FletchersHollow | Cuenca del Flechero |
JulienTestLand | |
KulTirasPirateTownDungeon | Fuerte Libre |
ElderstoneMine | Mina Rocavieja |
DinoSkeletonTemple | Santuario de Xibala |
BarrowknollCemetery | Cementerio Lomatúmulo |
80WarfrontsArathiMain | Tierras Altas de Arathi |
KelvaxShrine | Santuario de Kel’vax |
TimberedStrand | Cala Deforestada |
TerraceoftheChosen | Bancal de los Elegidos |
TheZocalo | El Zócalo |
WaywardThicket | Arboleda Inusitada |
PHGlacierCave | PH Glacier Cave |
TheFarReach | Tierra Inalcanzable |
SethrakFront | Frente Sethrak |
RiverZone | |
WarbeastKraalHub | Zeb’Saur |
WarbeastKraalPterrordax | Alto del Pterror |
CourtofSpirits | Corte de los Espíritus |
Hireekslair | Guarida de Hir’eek |
WitheringGulch | Barranco Marchito |
Autumnvale | Valleotoño |
TradersCamp | Campamento del Mercader |
NorthPassCaverns | Cavernas del Paso del Norte |
AridBasin | Vega Árida |
ShiftingSandOutpost | Avanzada Arenas Movedizas |
CarrionGrounds | Campo de Carroña |
ShiftingSandArena | Liza Arenas Movedizas |
BurialMound | Túmulo Funerario |
CrumblingOverlook | Mirador Desmoronado |
BarbthornRidge | Risco Puaespina |
BarbthornCave | Cueva Puaespina |
TheWickerAltar | Altar del Mimbre |
ZuldazarShipyard | Puerto de Guerra Rastari |
KulTirasMountainHub | Residencia Kennings |
RockskipFalls | Cascadas Saltarroca |
MudfishLodge | Cabaña Fangopez |
SnapclawShore | Costa Chascapinzas |
VerdantPlateau | Meseta Verdeante |
AlpineRise | Alto Alpino |
HighroadPass | Camino Paso Alto |
TorgasInnards | Entrañas de Torga |
HuntersRun | Senda del Cazador |
KulTirasMountainPassFront | Paso Fuenteclara |
KulTirasMountainHubEast | Risco Cerval |
MountainsideCottage | Cabaña de la Ladera |
GolVar | Gol Var |
KulTirasArena | Arena de Kul Tiras |
KulTirasArena | Arena de Kul Tiras |
ThroneofAscension | Trono de la Ascensión |
TheAlchemistsLair | Guarida del Alquimista |
TempestCliffs | Acantilados de la Tempestad |
SirenCoveSouthEastHub | Punto del Náufrago |
RedrockMines | Minas Peñarroja |
SethrakWarcamp | Campamento de Guerra Sethrak |
TempleIncursion | Incursión en el Templo |
CampFirebreaker | Expedición Rompefuegos |
OutlawTownTavern | Relato del Muerto |
DesperateVulperaCamp | Campamento de Vulperas Desesperados |
NecropolisCatacombs | Catacumbas de la Necrópolis |
SailsRest | Reposo del Velaje |
CovescaleRise | Alto Calaescama |
DreadpearlShallows | Bajíos Perlatriste |
XumanuCave | Guarida de Xumanu |
PrisonDungeon | Tol Dagor |
TheSingingMeadow | Pradera Cantarina |
SeekersOutpost | Avanzada del Explorador |
GildedDocksOfZakrajan | Muelle Dorado de Zak’rajan |
GilneasIsland | Isla de Gilneas |
ZakrajanThrone | Salón del Trono de Zak’rajan |
AlgersonLumberYard | Almacén de Madera Algerson |
TimberfellStation | Estación Maderalia |
TheSerpentsMaw | Fauces de la Sierpe |
MountainManWoods | Espesura del Viento del Oeste |
IceTown | Glaciar Menguante |
AromsStand | Puesto de Arom |
TheGoldenRoad | Ruta Dorada |
TheSacredSands | Arenas Sagradas |
TheBonePit | Foso de Huesos |
SlaversRise | Alto del Esclavista |
RakjansPerch | Nido de Rak’jan |
RakjansPeak | Pico de Rak’jan |
BoralusDungeon | Asedio de Boralus |
LittleTortolla | Pequeña Tortolla |
TheSteamway | Vía Vaporosa |
ArathorsEmbrace | Abrazo de Arathor |
AlgersonOperationsOutpost | Avanzada de Operaciones Algerson |
KulTirasMountainHub | Termas Fuenteburbuja |
TerraceoftheSpeakers | Bancal de los Portavoces |
FreeholdArena | Foso de la Concordia |
QuilboarTown | Horado Lomozarza |
ConquerorsPath | Senda del Conquistador |
FernwoodRidge | Risco Troncohelecho |
StormsongHub | Brennadam |
StormsongHubRuins | Plaza de Brennadam |
StormsongIsland | Ribera del Marinero |
StormsongFortress | Fortaleza Canto Tormenta |
StormsongNagaFort | Fuerte Daelin |
SethrakAssaultSpire | Aguja de Asalto Sethrak |
FogcliffStrand | Ensenada Risconiebla |
SethrakPOI | Dol’watha |
StormsongReclaimedLand | Deadwash |
HotSprings | Aguas Termales Riscoloma |
OutlawTownTavernDUNGEON | Relato del Muerto |
KulTirasBrokenGate | Puerta de Daelin |
KulTirasBrokenGateHill | Alto del Vigía |
TirigardeDrustvarRoad | Viejo Camino Drust |
SouthFerryDock | Muelle Vientosur |
CityofGold | Fosa de Sacrificios |
BlizzCon2017 | BlizzCon 2017 |
RoughneckCamp | Campamento Bellaco |
GolOsigr | Gol Osigr |
HeroStageLDDemoArea | Hero Stage LD Demo Area |
NazmirRaid | Uldir |
UnderrotDungeon | Catacumbas Putrefactas |
CreepyBlizzcon2017 | Isla extraña de la BlizzCon |
PHFortMelon | Fuerte de Vigilancia de Puerto Sur |
JewelhammersVault | Cámara de Martijoya |
StormsongIslandDrydock | Dique Addington |
TortollanCoast | Costa Borrascosa |
CoastalVillage | Aldea Costera |
FortDaelinCauseway | Camino al Fuerte Daelin |
AtalDazar | Atal’Dazar |
AnglepointProductionArea | Zona de Producción Puntamuelle |
TalgurubPyramid | Paso de los Portavoces |
KulTirasCapitalHubDocks | Muelle de Boralus |
PrisonDungeon | Profundidades Anegadas |
PrisonDungeon | Cloacas Encharcadas |
PrisonDungeon | Módulo Penitenciario: Scillus |
PrisonDungeon | Módulo Penitenciario: Karybis |
PrisonDungeon | Reducto del Sobrestante |
PrisonDungeon | Cuartel del Oficial |
PrisonDungeon | Arsenal Gobernalle |
VoidElfHub | Falla de Telogrus |
Falconhurst | Médano del Halcón |
KulTirasSouthernSirenVignette | Gruta del Errante |
BoralusDev | BoralusDev |
Tornowa | Tor’nowa |
GorillaGorge | Desfiladero de los Gorilas |
KingsmouthRiver | Río Bocarrey |
GoldfieldFarmstead | Hacienda Mina de Oro |
StormsongFarms | Olas Ámbar |
DrustvarManorDungeon | Mansión Crestavía |
HuntmastersLounge | Sala del Maestro de Caza |
OvergrownAtrium | Patio Frondoso |
TheLarder | La despensa |
GrandParlor | Gran Recepción |
ForgottenAttic | Ático Olvidado |
Nazwathainterior | Interior de Naz’watha |
ThePrisonofInk | Prisión de Tinta |
WatchmansRise | Cima del Vigía |
PHFortMelon | Campamento de Acogida de Puerto Sur |
BloodfireRavine | Barranco Fuegosangre |
BloodCoast | Costa de Sangre |
SunderedTemple | Templo Hendido |
GralsGrotto | Gruta de Gral |
80WarfrontsArathi | Tierras Altas de Arathi |
IslandPrototype | Isla Boscosa |
StormsongIslandForge | Taller Salobre |
StormsongIslandSailFab | Armadores Layson e Hijos |
TitanIsland | Isla de los Titanes |
CollapsedFarm | Campos Socavados |
80WarfrontsArathiHighPerch | Nido Alto |
80WarfrontsArathiElementalShrine | Círculo de los Elementos |
80WarfrontsArathiLumberMillHorde | Cumbre Destral |
80WarfrontsArathiMineHorde | Mina Mostacho Seco |
80WarfrontsArathiGalensFall | Caída de Galen |
80WarfrontsArathiMineAlliance | Mina de Galson |
80WarfrontsArathiLumberMillAlliance | Bosque Aislado |
BoralusDev | |
WindsweptCove | Cala Borrascosa |
CrimsonCoast | Costa Carmesí |
IslandPrototype | |
WhiteMesaIsles | Islas Meseta Blanca |
CVDev | |
IslandsTropical | Ruinas de Un’gol |
MildenhallMeadery | Granja de hidromiel Mildenhall |
WendigoHighlands | Tierras Altas del Wendigo |
DrustvarScenario | Drustvar |
IslandCursed | Prototipo Maldito |
BrackishCoast | Costa Salobre |
KatalinaPrototype | Isla Katalina |
Wonderland | Paraje de las Maravillas |
IslandPrototype | |
Wonderland | Paraje de las Maravillas |
SwampPrototype | Isla Pantanosa |
RockSpire | Cumbre Rocosa |
TheSaltySpitoon | Escupidera Salina |
80WarfrontsArathiValorcallPass | Senda del Valor |
80WarfrontsArathiNorthfoldCrossing | Cruce Redilnorte |
80WarfrontsArathiNorthfold | Redilnorte |
80WarfrontsArathiStromgardeKeep | Castillo de Stromgarde |
VolcanoIsland | Isla Volcánica |
IslandsSpiderCenote | Islas: Manantial de las Arañas |
80WarfrontsArathiFarm | Finca Nueva |
BleakHillsMine | Mina de las Colinas Sombrías |
Corlain | Corlain |
CorlainArmory | Arsenal de Corlain |
CrimsonForest | Bosque Carmesí |
Tulvor | Tul’vor |
SeaPriestDungeon | Altar de la Tormenta |
KingsRestDungeon | Reposo de los Reyes |
SnakeDungeon | Templo de Sethraliss |
StormsongIslandReceiving | Empresa Maderera de Scripps |
StormsongFishingVillage | Muelle del Trillador |
RootwayCollapse | Derrumbamiento Sendarraíz |
Francescotest | |
AzeriteMine | Winterdeep Mine |
TheFourStingers | Cuatro Aguijones |
SunkenPath | Ruta Hundida |
80IslandsPanderanFarm | Granja Panderan |
PandarenFarmDev | Pandaren Farm Dev |
SreptiksCamp | Campamento de Sreptik |
ZandalarArena | Arena Zandalar |
HockingsPlot | Terreno de Hocking |
PikemansRidge | Cresta del Piquero |
CorlainAviary | Halconera de Corlain |
Havenswood | Bosqueamparo |
QuestTraining | Entrenamiento de Misión |
StormwindStockadesScenario | Ciudad de Ventormenta |
KulTirasSeapriestChapel | Monasterio Canto Tormenta |
RedrockLowlands | Tierras Bajas Peñarroja |
TortakaRefuge | Refugio Tortuka |
TorkasCamp | Campamento de Torka |
FeedingPens | Corral |
TempleofKimbul | Templo de Kimbul |
UpperCorlain | Corlain Superior |
WaycrestManorExterior | Mansión Crestavía |
QuilboarCenter | Sagrario Lomozarza |
SandfuryHideout | Guarida Furiarena |
TheMaidensVirtue | La Virtud de la Doncella |
CraterofConquerors | Cráter de los Conquistadores |
StormsongIslandGraveyard | Estela del Marinero |
DustyRuins | Ruinas Polvorientas |
SauroliskDensPass | Colinas Brumamorta |
WayshrineoftheFallen | Santuario del Paso de los Caídos |
ZuldazarScenario | Zuldazar |
DazaralorScenario | Dazar’alor |
TheSliverScenario | Resquicio Frondoso |
TerraceoftheChosenScenario | Bancal de los Elegidos |
ZanchulScenario | Zanchul |
HoneyBeeFarm | Granja Apícola |
PermafrostNecromancy | Nigromancia de Escarcha Permanente |
NorthShoal | Nazmir |
StormsongFinalAssembly | Asamblea Olaniebla |
StormsongFinalAssemblyHub | Tidecross |
AzeriteMineExterior | Winterdeep Mining Camp |
DeadwashReclamationCompany | Deadwash Reclamation |
Nuevas Facciones
Datos originales de WowChakra
Imperio Zandalari | |
Battle for Azeroth | |
Nazmani | |
Dinosaurios Zandalari | |
Kul Tiras | La nación insular de Kul Tiras es la cuna de los mejores marineros de Azeroth. |
Corsarios del Mare Magnum | Son un pueblo libre del Mare Magnum y solo son leales a su tripulación. |
Asaltantes Marea de Hierro | Una banda de piratas despiadados originarios de Fuerte Libre, en el Estrecho de Tiragarde. |
Trols de sangre | |
Campaña bélica de la Horda | |
Campaña bélica de la Alianza | |
Casa Valiente (8.0) | |
Casa Crestavía (8.0) | |
Casa Canto Tormenta (8.0) | |
Voz de Azeroth (8.0) | |
Las Ratas de Pantoque | Un extraño grupo de razas mestizas originarias de Fuerte Libre, en el Estrecho de Tiragarde. |
Camorristas Dientenegro | Un agresivo grupo de camorristas que nunca dejan pasar una pelea. Una de las muchas bandas de piratas originarias de Fuerte Libre, en el Estrecho de Tiragarde. |
Corsarios Aguacortada | Una malvada banda de espadachines y bandidos que asesinan para el mejor postor. Cuando no tienen encargos, echan el ancla en Fuerte Libre, en el Estrecho de Tiragarde. |
Compañía Comercial Gobernalle | Una compañía de transporte y manufactura originaria de Boralus. En la capital de Kul Tiras, corren rumores que sugieren que esta imponente compañía sirve como tapadera para un imperio criminal más siniestro. |
Bestia – Abeja | |
Bestia – Wendigo | |
Dinoentrenamiento – Pterrordáctilo |
Nuevos Iconos