Patch 1.23.4 Notes
Greetings Cerebrates, Commanders, and Executors,
Patch 1.23.4 has arrived!
Welcome to Season 7!
- New Wraith portrait rewards for ranked matchmaking S, A, B, and U.
Map Pool Update
- (2) Eclipse
- (2) Match Point
- (3) New Sylphid
- (3) Reap the Storm
- (4) Polypoid
- (4) Fighting Spirit
- (4) Circuit Breakers
- S Rank - Top 1% of players
- A Rank - 7%
- B Rank - 21%
- C Rank - 21%
- D Rank - 21%
- E Rank - 21%
- F Rank - 8%
For the first two weeks, ranks will be MMR bucketed based on last season’s data. After which we will switch to the percentage-based breakdown above.
- Additional string related bug fixes for EUD.
- Fixes for our most frequent reported crashes.
The Season Roll is happening now and should be done shortly.
Updates from the PTR will come soon. They are not in this patch.
FuenteThanks all –
We do indeed have an out of date Polypoid. We will work on updating this asap.
FuenteWe’ve just released Maintenance Patch which fixes the following issues:
-Fixed an issue where the Season 7 maps were not present in the maps folder.
-Fixed an issue with map preview images failing to download
-Fixed an issue an issue where the matchmaking screen would sometimes not appear.
-Fix for Ladder map vetos
We’ve just released Maintenance Patch which addresses the following issues:
-Fixed an issue with auto-replay names
-Fixed an issue where the Season History map previews