AFK kicked for fishing normally
****** Please make sure you fill out the following information before submitting a report ******
Don’t forget to check the Known Issues List to see if your issue is currently being worked on by the dev team.
We also have existing workaround for some issues that you can find here:
- What is your character name in New World: Etny2k
- What server/world did you experience your issue on: Maramma
- Describe the issue you are experiencing: I was fishing to level 100 and in about 15 minutes I was afk kicked from game and I was fishing the whole time. Do I now need to start walking while I am fishing to stop afk kick?
- Is this a bug or an exploit: new bug with patch
- (if a bug) How did the issue effect your gameplay: Interupts gameplay
- (if a bug) Were you able to recover from the issue: Had to log in again
- (if a bug) Please include a screenshot or video of the issue that you have experienced:
- What are the steps to reproduce the issue as you experienced: Fish normally without moving for 15 minutes
We made some changes a few hours ago to address this: [Notice] AFK System changes