SC:R - New ladder season questions
Hello Guys,
I would like to ask for help anyone from Blizzard Staff to help me or send this info to anyone with power to answer me. I’m pretty sure I’m speaking in the name of whole SC:R community.
My name is Dawid “ZZZero” Paździor, I’m organizer of Bombastic StarLeague - biggest international SC:R Tournament for foreigners.
This year I hosted two seasons of my tournament, and I want to start next one soon.
Since the very beginning every season of BSL qualifications were based on SC:R Ladder Stage (Also during six seasons when Blizzard was the main sponsor of BSL). Right now I would like to launch new season, but I’m afraid that you guys will randomly reset the ladder season in the middle of my qualifications (Like it happened during BSL Season 11).
Current SC:R season lasts almost 7 months already (And usually it lasted ~4 months) - so I’m afraid of reset any time. I want to start tournament with qualifications based on your ladder soon, but this the only thing which is blocking me.
Can someone from Blizzard help me ? I will be satisfied with any of those answers:
- Reset will happend never
- Reset will happend this date XXX
- Reset should not happend during next 1.5 month;
You can contact me on e-mail:
Twitter: ZZZeroPL / BombasticStarLeague
Discord: ZZZero#1122
Thanks a lot!