La nueva versión de Shadowlands Beta Build ya ha llegado. Os mostramos Iconos, Assets, ExtraButton, Portraits, Títulos, Facciones, Monedas, Logros, Instancias y Globalstrings.
- Iconos
- Assets ExtraButton
- Portraits
- Títulos
- Facciones
- Monedas
- Logros
- Instancias
- Globalstrings
Assets ExtraButton
Nuevos Títulos de personaje
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Abominable %s :: Abominable %s
- Spirestalker %s :: Spirestalker %s
Cambios en Facciones
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Los Ascendidos :: Kyrian who complete the arduous process of purging their mortal encumbrances are deemed worthy of the rite of ascension, earning their wings and pledging eternal service to the Archon.
- El Ejército Inmortal ::
TBDLong ago, the Primus established the five houses of Maldraxxus to build the ultimate fighting force. Through might, cleverness, and guile, this unyielding armada is pledged to defend the Shadowlands against all threats. - Corte de los Cosechadores ::
RevendrethAfter countless ages spent under the rule of Sire Denathrius, authority in Revendreth is now shared amongst the Court of Harvesters. These noble venthyr carry out the sacred duty of redeeming prideful souls. - Cacería Salvaje :: Called to serve the Winter Queen in times of dire need, the Wild Hunt assembles the finest huntresses and hunters in all of Ardenweald. In the face of drought and peril, the Wild Hunt stands ready to defend the forest.
- La Cacería Salvaje (dechado) :: Called to serve the Winter Queen in times of dire need, the Wild Hunt assembles the finest huntresses and hunters in all of Ardenweald. In the face of drought and peril, the Wild Hunt stands ready to defend the forest.
- Corte de la Noche ::
La sequía de ánima y la invasión de losThe anima drought and Drustocupan la atención de la Reina del Invierno y la Cacería Salvaje, por lo que losinvasion consume the Winter Queen and Wild Hunt’s attention, leaving the dromande la Corte de la Noche han de proteger las semillas silvestres y enfrentarse a las incursiones de los spriggans, gorms y otras criaturas maléficas del bosque cerca de sus respectivas arboledas.of the Court of Night to protect the wildseeds and defend their groves.
Cambios en Monedas
Datos originales de WowChakra
Alma dispuestaRedeemed Soul: Un alma excepcional que desea contribuir a potenciar el sagrario de tu curia. - Ánima de reserva: A measure of the anima your covenant has at its disposal.
RenombreRenown: Es renombre
Monedas nuevas
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Stitchmasters: Grants reputation with the Stitchmasters.
- Ve’nari:
Nuevos Logros
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Completed Shadowlands Story (DNT) : Once earned, a player’s alt can access the Shadowlands Time Skip mode. (DNT)
- Seething Shore Honorable Kills: Seething Shore Honorable Kills
- Battle for Wintergrasp Honorable Kills: Battle for Wintergrasp Honorable Kills
- Ashran Honorable Kills: Ashran Honorable Kills
- Seething Shore Killing Blows: Seething Shore Killing Blows
- Battle of Wintergrasp Killing Blows: Battle of Wintergrasp Killing Blows
- Ashran Killing Blows: Ashran Killing Blows
- I Live, I Die, I Queue Again: Collect any armor set from Shadowlands PvP Season 1.
- Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater: Obtain the Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater from Shadowlands Season 1
- Shadowlands Alt – Launch Chromie if Shadowlands in Progress (DNT):
- Explorer of the Shadowlands: Complete the Shadowlands achievements listed below.
- Fashion Abomination: Crea los siguientes accesorios de moda con la costura abominable.
Logros eliminados
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Reservas de estigia: Recoge 20.000 estigias.
Instancias nuevas
Datos originales de WowChakra
- Torghast, Torre de los Condenados: Ábrete camino hasta la cima de Torghast.
- Cavernas Sanguinas:
- Cavernas Sanguinas:
- El Otro Lado:
- Salas de la Expiación:
- Nieblas de Tirna Scithe:
- Bajapeste:
- Agujas de Ascensión:
- Estela Necrótica:
- Teatro del Dolor:
- Torghast, Torre de los Condenados: Ábrete camino hasta la cima de Torghast.
- Torghast, Torre de los Condenados: Search for Jaina.
- Torghast, Torre de los Condenados: Search for Jaina.
Cadenas nuevas
Datos originales de WowChakra
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_508: A Party Member Does Not Have That Layer Unlocked
- GARDENWEALD_STATUS_ACTIVE_COUNT: The conservatory has %d active |4wildseed. It will be ready in:wildseeds. The next one will be ready in; %s.
- GARDENWEALD_STATUS_READY_COUNT: %d |4wildseed needs:wildseeds need; your attention now.
- GARDENWEALD_STATUS_DORMANT: The conservatory is dormant.
- WEEKLY_REWARDS_COMPLETE_PVP_MAX: Reach the %1$s rating (%2$d).
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_511: Your mount ignores your call within The Maw.
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_DEPOSIT_TOOLTIP: Deposits all stored Anima from your bags directly into the Reservoir.
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_512: Your butler is already present somewhere in the Ember Court.
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_RENOWN_REWARD_DESC_COMPLETE: You have reached the pinnacle with the %s
- ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR: Internal Error
- FOLLOWER_ON_MISSION_CANNOT_HEAL: Adventurer is on a mission
- SHADOWLANDS_EXPERIENCE_THREADS_OF_FATE: By choosing the Threads of Fate, you won’t be able to play through the normal Shadowlands storyline.|nThis can’t be undone.|n Are you sure you want to choose the Threads of Fate?|nType «FATE» into the field to confirm
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_513: You have already built this construct
- MYTHIC_PLUS_FIRST_SEASON: The first Shadowlands Mythic dungeon season has begun!
- MAP_PIN_INVALID_MAP: You can’t place a pin on this map.
- PVP_GEAR_REWARD_BY_RANK: Winning in this bracket will earn you Great Vault rewards of item level %d.
- PVP_GEAR_REWARD_BY_NEXT_RANK: Winning in this bracket will increase your Great Vault rewards to item level %d.
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL1: The Renown tab displays upcoming rewards earned by increasing Renown with the Covenant
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL2: Increase your Renown by completing special quests for your Covenant
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL3: Milestones are noteworthy rewards of higher value
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL4: Deposits Anima from your bags directly into the Reservoir
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL5: Click on the different Sanctum Features to browse the available upgrades
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL6: Increase your Renown with the Covenant for greater upgrade potential
- COVENANT_SANCTUM_RESERVOIR_INACTIVE: The Sanctum Reservoir is currently inactive
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