Xavius oes el jefe final de la nueva banda Pesadilla Esmeralda mientras que Skorpyron es el primer encuentro de Bastión Nocturno. El primero lo probamos en Heroico mientras que el segundo fue en su modalidad de Mítico. Hemos ido a la Alfa y hemos podido probarlo aquí, os dejamos el vídeo de nuestras pruebas y alguna información extra.
Vídeo preview (pruebas alfa) de Xavius Heroico
Una vez un poderoso mago, y uno de los consejeros de la Reina Azshara, Xavius forjó un pacto con Sargeras para permitir a la Legion su primera invasión de Azeroth. Maldito y atormentado a raíz de la derrota, Xavius planea su venganza contra el mundo desde dentro de la Grieta de Aln. Aquellos quienes se aventuren en la Pesadilla se enfrentarán a toda la extensión de su poder, y a su forma verdadera – una grotesca e hinchada monstruosidad.
Vídeo preview (pruebas alfa) de Skorpyron Mítico
En las profundidades de los cimientos del Bastión Nocturno, bajo el mar, descansan las cámaras largo tiempo olvidadas que dan acceso a la propia Fuente de la Noche. Este monstuoso escórpido con armadura ha heho su casa de una de estas cámaras. Infundido por el poder de la Fuente de la Noche, y rodeado por toda una camada, Skorpyron presenta una grave complicación para lo que prometía ser una entrada trasera al Bastión Nocturno.
Diario de Mazmorra Heroico y Mítico
- The Nightmare Lord, Xavius is the embodiment of corruption and horror and while facing him players will need to be aware of their corruption bar. As a player’s corruption bar fills they will be vulnerable to attacks from nightmare around them until they eventually will become completely corrupted and turn against their friends. Luckily for the players an echo of Ysera remains aware in the Emerald Dream and attempts to assist them to defeat Xavius by allowing them sleep and create a [Dream Simulacrum] of themselves to fight Xavius. All corruption taken by the [Dream Simulacrum] is removed upon awakening allow players to reset their corruption to how it was before the went to sleep.
- Players affected by [Dream Simulacrum] should protect non-dreaming players by handling any abilities that spread corruption.
- Defeat Inconceivable Horrors before they can get close enough to cast [Dark Ruination] on Xavius.
- Absorb [Tainted Discharge] before it can reform back into Inconceivable Horrors.
- Players affected by [Dream Simulacrum] should protect non-dreaming players by handling any abilities that spread corruption.
- Dispel [Darkening Soul] and [Blackening Soul] as sparingly as possible to decrease the amount of corruption you gain.
- Absorb [Tainted Discharge] before it can reform back into Inconceivable Horrors.
- Players affected by [Dream Simulacrum] should protect non-dreaming players by handling any abilities that spread corruption.
- Move away from others when [Darkening Soul] and [Blackening Soul] is about to be dispelled from you.
- Quickly pick up Corruption Horrors when [Manifest Corruption] is cast.
- Absorb [Tainted Discharge] before it can reform back into Inconceivable Horrors.
The Dreaming
- At 95% and 60% health the Dream of Ysera will put half of the party into a Dreaming State. The player’s actual body will fall asleep while a Dream Simulacrum of them rises to fight Xavius. If the Dream Simulacrum should ever die, the player’s actual body will awaken. All Nightmare Corruption gained by the Dream Simulacrum is lost when the player returns to their body.
Corrupción de la Pesadilla
- Many of Xavius’s spells spread Nightmare Corruption to the those hit. The more corrupted a player becomes, the more the nightmare becomes real to the player. Should any player ever become completely corrupted, he will become dominated by Xavius.
Dread Abomination
- At 33 points of Corruption, colossal Nightmare creatures materialize from the players mind, smashing the world around the player.
Sombras aplastantes
- Inflicts 1800000 Physical damage at the center. Allies further from the center take less damage.
Realidad inconmensurable
- The essense of Nightmares erupts into this reality, inflicting 600000 Fire damage and causes 5 Nightmare Corruption. Unfathomable Reality affects any player with more than 66 corruption.
Descenso a la locura
- Increases damage done by 300%. Upon expiration the player is overwhelmed by corruption, becoming Charmed and transforming into a Creature of Madness. Descent into Madness is triggered upon reaching 100 Corruption.
- At 33 points of Corruption, colossal Nightmare creatures materialize from the players mind, smashing the world around the player.
Stage One: The Decent Into Madness
Alma oscurecedora
- Xavius taints the targets soul, inflicting 150000 Shadow damage every 1 sec until removed. Dispelling this Darkening Soul inflicts 600000 Shadow damage to all enemies in a 32 yd radius and the dispeller gains 25 Corruption.
Hojas de la Pesadilla
- A wall of blades errupts from the ground inflicting 2250000 Physical damage to anyone in the area and knocking them back.
Manifest Corruption
- Xavius coalesces nightmare energy to create a Corruption Horror, inflicting 800000 Shadow damage to all enemies to all enemies in a 150 yd. radius.
Horror de corrupción
Nova corruptora
- Inflicts 700000 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. Anyone hit gains 5 Corruption
Flagelo atormentador
- Slashes at all enemies in front of caster, inflicting 250500 Shadow damage. Anyone hit gains 10 Nightmare Corruption.
Erupción acechante
- Nightmare energy erupts from below the target, summoning a Lurking Terror and inflicting 1300000 Shadow damage to all enemies in a 6 yd. radius.
Terror acechante
Fijación atormentadora
- El terror acechante selecciona un objetivo en el que fijarse.
Detonación atormentadora
- The Lurking Terror explodes if it gets near an enemy, inflicting 800000 Shadow damage and causing 25 Corruption to all nearby enemies.
Tormenting Infection
- The Lurking Terror infects the first enemy it gets near, inflicting 800000 Shadow damage and causing 20 Corruption.
Stage Two: From the Shadows
Meteorito de corrupción
- Inflige 8875000 p. de daño de las Sombras y propaga 0 p. de corrupción de la Pesadilla, que se dividen entre todos los enemigos.
Ataduras de terror
- Los vínculos de la Pesadilla atan a un objetivo y un aliado, lo que inflige 360000 p. de daño de las Sombras cada 1 s a ambos. Permanecer a menos de 3 m del aliado disipa las Ataduras de terror.
Mancillar alma
- Xavius blackens the targets soul, inflicting 150000 Shadow damage every 1 sec until removed. Dispelling this effect creates Descarga corrupta spreads 25 Nightmare Corruption to the dispeller and triggers Ennegrecido on the target.
- Todo el daño recibido aumenta un 150%.
Infusión de la Pesadilla
- Empowers the melee attacks of Xavius, causing them to spread 5 Corruption to the target for 30 sec.
Llamada de las pesadillas
- Xavius calls into the darkness of the nightmare, drawing forth Inconceivable Horrors to empower him.
Horror inconcebible
Ruina oscura
- Overcharges Xavius with Nightmare energy, inflicting 79900 Shadow damage and causing 1 Corruption to all enemies every 1 sec. for 5 sec.
Descarga corrupta
- Corruption erupts from the target’s body, leaving pools of corruption that inflict 300000 Shadow damage and spreads 4 Corruption every 1 sec. The Tainted Discharge disapates as enemies stand in it. After 15 sec Tainted Discharge will reform into an Inconceivable Horror.
Stage Three: World of Darkness
Hojas de la Pesadilla
- A wall of blades errupts from the ground inflicting 2250000 Physical damage to anyone in the area and knocking them back.
Alma oscurecedora
- Xavius taints the targets soul, inflicting 150000 Shadow damage every 1 sec until removed. Dispelling this Darkening Soul inflicts 600000 Shadow damage to all enemies in a 32 yd radius and the dispeller gains 25 Corruption.
Infusión de la Pesadilla
- Empowers the melee attacks of Xavius, causing them to spread 5 Corruption to the target for 30 sec.
Meteorito de corrupción
- Inflige 8875000 p. de daño de las Sombras y propaga 0 p. de corrupción de la Pesadilla, que se dividen entre todos los enemigos.
Tentáculo de la Pesadilla
Nightmare Bolt
- Throws a bolt of nightmare energy inflicting 75050 Shadow damage and causes 3 Corruption.
- Skorpyron’s lair is a constantly spawning chamber of scorpids, who join Skorpyron in battle during his Call of the Scorpid ability and also by proximity to players. Every 100 energy, Skorpyron casts Shockwave, a room-wide knockback, for which players need to take shelter behind Broken Shards, broken pieces of Skorpyron’s Chitinous Exoskeleton.
- Take shelter behind [Broken Shard]s to protect yourself from [Shockwave].
- Break [Arcane Tether]s by moving away from the tether location.
- Take shelter behind [Broken Shard]s to protect yourself from [Shockwave].
- Break [Arcane Tether]s by moving away from the tether location.
- [Arcane Tether]s accrue during [Arcanoslash], and need to be broken to reduce damage taken.
- Take shelter behind [Broken Shard]s to protect yourself from [Shockwave].
Scorpid Spawning Ground
- Skorpyron resides in an active spawning ground, continually creating Scorpids which inhabit the space throughout the encounter.
Escórpido cristalino
Oleada de energía
- Lanza una onda de magia Arcana al objetivo que inflige 175000 p. de daño Arcano y 20300 p. de daño Arcano extras cada medio segundo durante 3 sec. Este efecto se acumula.
Escórpido volátil
Enjambre de escórpidos
- Reúne en un enjambre a los escórpidos cercanos y aumenta el daño infligido un 100%.
Escórpido Fauceácida
Quitina tóxica
- La armadura del escórpido está cubierta de una fuerte toxina que crea charcos de daño de Naturaleza periódicamente y al morir.
Ola de choque 
- Expulsa energía acumulada, golpea el suelo y crea una Ola de choque que inflige 1200000 p. de daño de Naturaleza, repele a los jugadores y destruye todos los fragmentos rotos. Los jugadores pueden colocarse detrás de los fragmentos rotos para evitar la Ola de choque.
Exoesqueleto quitinoso
- Un exoesqueleto quitinoso de cristales cubre al escórpido, lo protege del daño y reduce el daño recibido un 25%. Cuando Skorpyron recibe daño, el exoesqueleto se rompe y pierde eficacia.
Vulnerabilidad exoesquelética
- Romper el exoesqueleto quitinoso del escórpido lo aturde durante 15 sec y aumenta el daño recibido un 45%.
Trozos cristalinos
- De Skorpyron se desprenden trozos cristalinos que infligen 371500 p. de daño Arcano a todos los enemigos al impactar y crean un fragmento roto en esa ubicación.
Chromatic Exoskeleton
- Proximity to the Nightwell infused the Chitinous Exoskeleton, causing it to shift color periodically.
Fragmentos ácidos
- Acidic Fragments break off of Skorpyron, increasing Acidic Fragments damage taken by 0% and inflicting 60000 Nature damage to all enemies every second for 16 sec and creating a Broken Shard at that location. This effect stacks.
Fragmentos volátiles
- De Skorpyron se desprenden fragmentos volátiles que infligen 700000 p. de daño de Fuego a los enemigos en un radio de 3 m cada $214661T1 s y crean un fragmento roto en esa ubicación.
Trozos cristalinos
- De Skorpyron se desprenden trozos cristalinos que infligen 371500 p. de daño Arcano a todos los enemigos al impactar y crean un fragmento roto en esa ubicación.
Fragmento roto
- Los jugadores pueden colocarse detrás de los fragmentos rotos para protegerse de la Ola de choque.
Exoesqueleto imbuido
- Recuperar el exoesqueleto lo imbuye con energía de la Fuente de la Noche, lo que aumenta el daño infligido un 20%. Este efecto se acumula.
Llamada del escórpido
- Emite un sonido que resuena por toda la sala y llama a varios escórpidos cercanos al combate.
- Slashes all targets in a frontal 0 yard hemisphere, inflicting 472500 Arcane damage. Non-tank targets become tethered near their location, suffering 100000 Arcane damage every second while within 10 yards of the tether. This effect stacks.
Explosión enfocada
- Mira hacia una dirección seleccionada y descarga energía Arcana, lo que inflige 2750000 p. de daño Arcano y aturde a los objetivos alcanzados durante 4 sec. La duración aumenta con cada impacto consecutivo.