
[Raideando en Legion] Guía previa Gran botánico Tel’arn HC (Alfa)

Guía previa Gran Botánico Tel'arn

Gran botánico Tel’arn  noveno encuentro de la nueva banda de Legion Bastión Nocturno. Hemos ido a la Alfa y hemos podido probarlo aquí, os dejamos el vídeo realizado por nuestro compañero Yandeth y alguna información extra.


Desde su juventud, el nocheterna Tel’arn estuvo fascinado por la vida vegetal: la fortaleza y adaptabilidad de las malas hierbas, la habilidad de una simple hierba de aprovechar la energía del sol, el modo en que un árbol puede ser dividido en dos, o dos ramas puede injertarse en una. Ayudado por las energías de la Fuente de la Noche, se transformó así mismo hasta el punto de ser apenas reconocible como un elfo nocheterna. Ahora él se considera algo mucho, mucho más grande.

Vídeo preview del encuentro

Diario de Mazmorra Heroico

Gran botánico Tel'arn

imagen_jefeGran botánico Tel’arn


  • High Botanist Tel’arn uses Arcane, Nature and Solar magic to defend his garden. When he reaches 75% and 50% health remaining he divides his energy, creating empowered forms for a particular school of magic. Each form removes his ability to cast that school of magic but grants the empowered form new abilities. As the fight progresses, players must coordinate for [Plasma Spheres] and [Call of Night].
    • DPS 

      • Move away from targets of [Parasitic Fetter] and quickly kill Parasitic Lashers.
      • Damage [Plasma Spheres] so that they die at least 5 sec apart from one another to avoid lethal damage from [Plasma Explosion].
      • Avoid [Controlled Chaos] and [Solar Collapse].


      • Avoid tanking with high stacks of [Recursive Strikes].
      • Position Naturalist Tel’arn away from his allies and quickly move him out of [Grace of Nature].
      • High Botanist Tel’arn will split into images that must be tanked at 75% and 50% health remaining.


      • [Plasma Explosion] inflicts significant damage to all players.
      • Dispel [Parasitic Fetter] when your allies have moved far enough away to avoid Parasitic Lashers.
      • [Controlled Chaos] will inflict moderate damage to all players with each explosion.

Stage One: The High Botanist

    • Golpes recursivos Golpes recursivos 

      • High Botanist Tel’arn inflicts 15% of his melee attack damage to all players with Recursive Strikes each time he melee attacks. This effect is applied to Tel’arn’s primary target each time he melee attacks for 15 sec. Each additional stack increases the damage taken from Recursive Strikes by 15%.

      Caos controlado Caos controlado 

      • High Botanist Tel’arn unleashes several explosions in quick succession at a player’s location. Each explosion inflicts 2240000 Arcane damage to all players within a 10 yard radius and increases in size to a 20 and 30 yard radius with each successive explosion. In addition, each explosion inflicts 470000 Arcane damage to all players.

      Grillete parasitario Grillete parasitario 

      • High Botanist Tel’arn roots a random player in place, inflicting 225000 Nature damage every second until dispelled. This effect increases in damage by 10% each time it ticks. When Parasitic Fetter is removed a Parasitic Lasher is formed that pursues the next closest player. If the parasite reaches its target, it jumps into them and afflicts them with Parasitic Fetter.
        • Parasitic Lasher

          • Pursues the closest player and attempts to jump into them and afflict them with Parasitic Fetter. Once Parasitic Fetter is dispelled again, the parasite is recreated at the same health it had when it afflicted the target with Parasitic Fetter.

            Rampant Growth Rampant Growth

            • Parasitic Lashers grow every 3 seconds, increasing their movement speed by 25%. When Rampant Growth reaches 5 stacks it grants immunity to movement impairing effects and stuns.

      Derrumbe solar Derrumbe solar

      • High Botanist Tel’arn summons 12 points of solar energy around a player that collapse in towards them. As each point moves it explodes, inflicting 1950000 Fire damage to all players within 4 yards.

Stage Two: Nightosis

  • When High Botanist Tel’arn reaches 75% health remaining, he sacrifices his ability to cast Solar magic to create an empowered Solar image of himself.
    • Solarist Tel’arn

      • Bengala Bengala 

        • Solarist Tel’arn blasts a player, inflicting 150000 Fire damage to them and all players within 4 yards.

        Derrumbe solar Derrumbe solar

        • High Botanist Tel’arn summons 12 points of solar energy around a player that collapse in towards them. As each point moves it explodes, inflicting 1950000 Fire damage to all players within 4 yards.

        Invocar esferas de plasma Invocar esferas de plasma 

        • Solarist Tel’arn summons 3 Plasma Spheres that cause a Plasma Explosion upon death. Plasma Spheres slowly immolate, losing 2% of their maximum health every 0.25 sec.

          Plasma Explosion Plasma Explosion

          • Plasma Spheres explode on death, inflicting 845000 Fire damage to all players and increasing their damage taken from Plasma Explosion by 100% for 5 sec.

Stage Three: Pure Forms

  • When High Botanist Tel’arn reaches 50% health remaining, he divides his remaining power into an empowered Nature and empowered Arcane image.

    Naturalist Tel’arn

      • Toxic Spores Toxic Spores

        • Naturalist Tel’arn shoots 2 Toxic Spores at a random player’s location that persist for the remainder of the fight. If any player comes into contact with the spore it bursts, inflicting 175000 Nature damage to them every 0.5 sec for 30 sec.

        Grace of Nature Grace of Nature

        • Narturalist Tel’arn summons a pool of energy that heals him and his allies for 3% of their maximum health every 3 sec that they are inside of the pool.

        Grillete parasitario Grillete parasitario 

        • High Botanist Tel’arn roots a random player in place, inflicting 225000 Nature damage every second until dispelled. This effect increases in damage by 10% each time it ticks. When Parasitic Fetter is removed a Parasitic Lasher is formed that pursues the next closest player. If the parasite reaches its target, it jumps into them and afflicts them with Parasitic Fetter.

          Parasitic Lasher

          • Pursues the closest player and attempts to jump into them and afflict them with Parasitic Fetter. Once Parasitic Fetter is dispelled again, the parasite is recreated at the same health it had when it afflicted the target with Parasitic Fetter.

            Rampant Growth Rampant Growth

            • Parasitic Lashers grow every 3 seconds, increasing their movement speed by 25%. When Rampant Growth reaches 5 stacks it grants immunity to movement impairing effects and stuns.

    Arcanist Tel’arn

    • Llamada de la noche Llamada de la noche 

      • Arcanist Tel’arn marks several players with Nightwell energy for the remainder of the fight. Marked players inflict 125500 Arcane damage to all players within 100 yards if they are ever within 8 yards of another marked player or if they aren’t within 8 yards of at least one unmarked player.

      Golpes recursivos Golpes recursivos 

      • High Botanist Tel’arn inflicts 15% of his melee attack damage to all players with Recursive Strikes each time he melee attacks. This effect is applied to Tel’arn’s primary target each time he melee attacks for 15 sec. Each additional stack increases the damage taken from Recursive Strikes by 15%.

      Caos controlado Caos controlado 

      • High Botanist Tel’arn unleashes several explosions in quick succession at a player’s location. Each explosion inflicts 2240000 Arcane damage to all players within a 10 yard radius and increases in size to a 20 and 30 yard radius with each successive explosion. In addition, each explosion inflicts 470000 Arcane damage to all players.

Botín en todas las modalidades

Aún no hay botín disponible en la Alfa de Legion.

Guías básicas y previo de otros encuentros



Written by Epsilon

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