Nuevos modelos Build 18505
Nueva Montura Build 18505
Nuevo Modelo: Ensamblaje Draenei
Nuevo Modelo: Khadgar
Nuevo Modelo: Fungal Giant
Nuevos logros Build 18505
The Talon King: Complete the Legacy of Terokk storyline and earn Exalted status with the Arakkoa Outcasts.
Choppin’ Some Logs: Harvest 1000 timber from trees in Draenor.
Choppin’ Some More Logs: Harvest 5000 timber from trees in Draenor.
Choppin’ Even More Logs: Harvest 10000 timber from trees in Draenor.
Choppin’ Even More Logs: Harvest 10000 timber from trees in Draenor.
Almas de los perdidos: Derrota a Ner’zhul tras haber asesinado a dos de los esqueletos del Ritual de huesos elegidos por Ner’zhul con menos de 5 segundos entre sus muertes en el Cementerio de Sombraluna en dificultad heroica.
Soy minero: Deposita la mena volátil en la moledora de menas y derrota a Tragamenas en la Fundición Roca Negra en dificultad normal o superior.
Expert Timing: Slay 4 Ogron Laborers that are not in combat using 1 single Iron Star in the Iron Docks on Heroic Difficulty.
Take Cover!: Defeat Skulloc in Iron Docks on Heroic difficulty without any players getting hit by Cannon Barrage or Backdraft.
Mala Cosecha Oscura: Has derrotado a Kanrethad Crinébano y controlado la energía vil antes de que saliese la expedición hacia Draenor.
Nuevas facciones Build 18505
Booty Bay: This booming coastal city is run by Baron Revilgaz of the Blackwater Raiders. Mortal enemies of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and part of the Steamwheedle Cartel.
Everlook: This trading post is run by the goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel and it sits in the crossroads of Winterspring’s main trade routes.
The Kalu’ak: The tuskarr are a tough but peaceful people who derive their livelihood from fishing and whaling. Their settlements have recently come under fierce attack and welcome any allies who would come to their aid.
Mount – Taxi – Alliance:
Mount – Taxi – Horde:
Mount – Taxi – Neutral:
The Black Prince: Black Prince Wrathion is the last of the black dragons. He has been known to richly reward those who earn his trust and support his endeavors.
The Iron Horde: A tenuous alliance of many of the orc clans of Draenor under the leadership of Grommash Hellscream.
Nuevos iconos Build 18505
Nuevos títulos Build 18505
Lumberjack %s
Timer Lord %s
%s The Commandojack
Nuevas monedas Build 18505
Monedas de hierro deslucidas
Sello de destino templado
Diario de Mazmorras
Criaturas |
Nuevas Áreas cliente Alfa en español
Nuevas áreas aparecidas en la Build 18505. ¿Algo nuevo en Ventormenta?
Bastión de $n | Cima Vaporatriz |
Bancal del Alba | Windswept Terrace |
Cumbre de Roca Negra superior | Fosas de Cosecha |
Muelle de Hierro | Dominio de Puño Negro |
El Altar | Cueva del Náufrago |
Expedición Destruida | Shattered Rise |
[PH]Skettis Ruins | Bladefist Hold |
The Sheltered Den | Lay of the Worldbreaker |
[PH] Primal Forest | Abandoned Highmaul Mine |
Crushfang’s End | Ashen Crater |
Lunarfall Mine | Frostwall Mine |
Stormwind | Cerulean Lagoon |
Ashran – Alliance Staging Area | Ashran – Horde Staging Area |
Highmaul |