[ERA] Original Lock Pets Missing
Good afternoon! Hope this finds you well. My character, Noralye-Benediction in Classic Era logged in this morning after the update to an entirely new lock pet. My original pet Gelpep the imp is gone. The new pet has a different name and none of the upgraded abilities.
Can you please restore my (and any other lock’s) old pets? Honestly, even just the names would be nice.
Update: It looks like the pet or pets the lock last did damage with before the patch are the ones missing. At least, this has been the trend across the locks I have spoken with in guild.
We miss our demonic broskis!
Hey all, we’re aware of this issue and are working hard on a fix. For now, I recommend holding off on using grimoires until we’re able to finalize a fix.
FuenteHey all, we’ve got a fix for the overall bug, and when the fix is applied with realm restarts, warlocks should no longer lose their demon pets. We do not yet have a secondary fix that restores previous demon pets to Warlocks, and we’re continuing to work on that.
FuenteThe fix was applied this morning with restarts, so it should stop happening as of today. We are still working on a secondary fix for restoring previous pets, though I can’t promise anything at this time.