WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes – August 15
May 16, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Fixed a bug that initially prevented players who did not own Dragonflight from being able to learn Dragonriding from Lord Andestrasz in Remix: Pandaria. This was unintended.
Hello. We’ve deployed the following hotfixes since our last update:
May 20, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Shirts and tabards can now be purchased from Larah Treebender at any Infinite Bazaar, Mei Steadypaw outside the Shrine of Two Moons and the Shrine of Seven Stars, and Hanchoon Yi at Paw’don Village, Honeydew Village, Shrine of Two Moons, and Shrine of Seven Stars.
- Fixed a bug preventing Timerunners with a legendary Infinite Cloak of Potential from accessing Ordon Sanctuary as intended.
- Fixed an issue with the spawning of Voress’thalik which prevented the completion of “Devastation Below”.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from learning Amber Pterrordax.
- Fixed a bug causing Gulp Frogs to unintentionally drop Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.
- Enemy power scaling, particularly in group content, has been adjusted to be less aggressive. This is particularly applicable in the player level 40 - 70 range, before players have been able to power up their cloak, upgrade their gems, and increase their item level.
- Gear drop-rates have been improved from world rares, rare elites, and quests. This will help players who have had their item levels fall behind as leveling speed increases, especially at higher levels when cloak bonus experience is powered up.
- Developers’ notes: This will also increase player Bronze and appearance acquisition by increasing the number of items to place into the Unraveling Sands for additional Bronze.
- The first-time bonus for queueing each LFR wing will grant a Thread of Experience in addition to the existing Lesser Bronze Cache.
- Developers’ notes: This should improve LFR as a viable choice for leveling main characters and alts, without players feeling like they need to grind the same LFR wing repeatedly.
- We have added bonus experience to each boss in normal dungeons and scenarios so they are a viable alternative to questing. Bonus experience has also been adding to the last boss of Heroic Scenarios. Heroic dungeon bosses will continue to drop bonus experience.
- We’ve increased the number of prismatic gems dropped from bosses in normal and heroic scenarios and dungeons.
- Developers’ notes: The increased stamina offered by Legendary Prismatic gems boosts player survivability considerably.
- We have increased the Bronze granted from all qualities of Bronze Caches by 25%.
- Developers’ notes: These caches are available from a wide variety of sources, both solo and group. This includes the Minor Bronze Cache, Lesser Bronze Cache, Bronze Cache, and Greater Bronze Cache.
- Fixed an issue where Sha-Skin Vestment was marked as Cosmetic instead of Cloth armor.
May 21, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- We have made the following changes to improve Thread of Time gain for the Cloak of Infinite Potential. Our goal with these additional items is to give players access to more Threads of Time from daily repeatable sources. These should serve as readily attainable power-ups from a wide variety of content, so players can enjoy the breadth of Pandaria while also gaining additional power. There are four new items that grant players escalating amounts of power for the Cloak of Infinite Potential:
- Minor Spool of Eternal Thread
- Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
- Spool of Eternal Thread
- Greater Spool of Eternal Thread
- Players will be able to find these new items from a variety of solo and group sources, ensuring all players have accessible ways to improve their cloak:
- Infinite Bazaar Repeatable Dailies
- First-Time Daily Scenario, Dungeon, and each LFR queue
- World Bosses
- Remix Achievements
- Each of these achievements are available for additional characters to complete as well for bonus Bronze - and now bonus Spools of Eternal Thread.
- Troves of the Thunder King scenario on the Isle of Thunder
- We’ve made the following changes and bugfixes are intended to address concerns about the balance of low- and high-level players in various Remix content.
- The health of creatures in heroic scenarios has been decreased by 20% - 25%, based on the players’ levels. Higher level players will see enemies incur a larger decrease.
- The health and damage of creatures on the Timeless Isle, Isle of Giants, and Isle of Thunder has been reduced.
- Several spell gems (that were not scaling up or down correctly based on player level) have been adjusted so that they provide a more-appropriate scaling effect. This includes Cold Front, Windweaver, Vampiric Aura, and Lightning Rod.
- Spell gems with shielding effects should no longer cause threat.
- Fixed a bug with Righteous Frenzy not canceling upon the end of combat.
- Timerunner’s Vial mana regen significantly increased.
- Adjusted the reputation granted from Granite Quilen to be more in line with expected values.
- Fixed an issue in Guo-Lai Halls causing trap tiles to flicker.
May 22, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Added clarity to the quest “The Great Water Hunt” to speak with Mudmug before gathering water.
- Nostwin now sells Glyph of Shadow for Priests.
- Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Where are My Reinforcements?” from proceeding as expected.
- Improved the respawn rate and treasure from rares and rare elites across Pandaria.
- Increased the amount of bronze and raised the drop chance for threads of time from airborne bronze.
- Fixed an issue where players who faction-changed could not use the group finder for dungeons and scenarios.
- Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Riding the Skies” from granting the appropriate Cloud Serpent mount.
- Fixed an issue causing Wise Mari in the Temple of the Jade Serpent to not spawn Corrupt Living Water as intended.
- Hutia was out of control in the Jade Forest, and has been convinced to relax a bit and stop hitting so hard.
May 23, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Normal scenarios, Normal dungeons, Heroic scenarios, Heroic dungeons, and daily Infinite Bazaar quests now award a Cache containing 5x as much Bronze as before.
- Developers’ notes: We intend for players to earn more Bronze as you level up, so you can more easily start purchasing upgrades and rewards. At level 70, these caches now award 8750 Bronze (this was previously 1750 Bronze).
- Fixed an issue where the Celestial Court bosses on the Timeless Isle would occasionally despawn.
- Fixed a bug affecting the scaling of certain Tinker gems.
- Putrid Waste enemies in Throne of Thunder no longer deal extreme amounts of Putrify damage.
- Brewmaster Blanche now queues you for A Brewing Storm when asked.
- The Paragon of the Mists title is now account wide.
May 29, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Endgame tuning adjustments have been made to Heroic Scenarios, Heroic Dungeons, and Normal Raids so that they increase in power more slowly between levels 60 and 70. Heroic and Mythic raids have been adjusted so there is a smoother transition between them.
- Players who completed the Pearlfin Jinyu questline can now bring Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Elder Lusshan for additional reputation.
- Players who completed the Forest Hozen questline can now bring Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Chief Kah Kah for additional reputation.
- Fixed a bug that inadvertently capped the maximum stats that can be gained on a Cloak of Infinite Potential. That cap has been removed.
- Shado Pan Assault reputation earned per boss kill increased to 1000 (was 300). This amount is available daily.
- Elder Great Turtles and Ancient Spineclaws have migrated back to the Timeless Shore, which should benefit players who are just Killing Time.
- Illusion: Sha Corruption can now be destroyed by players who have already learned it elsewhere.
- Adjusted and tuned several gem effects:
- Arcanist’s Edge absorb amount (that can be converted into damage) has been doubled.
- Fervor health amounts (that can be converted into damage) has been doubled.
- Righteous Frenzy damage dealt to targets increased to 2% per second (was 1%).
- Developers’ notes: This should give healers a bit more to do while optimizing their group’s damage, and it should make some gem combinations even more interesting.
- Searing Light collected healing points increased to 10% (was 7%).
- Slay cannot critically strike.
- Developers’ notes: Slay still hits for the player’s entire health amount, and will remain an incredibly powerful option.
- Ward of Salvation no longer applies a heal absorb. It has been reworked so that the caster’s heals are duplicated as an absorb shield, but not other sources of healing.
- Developers’ notes: Ward of Salvation will remain a powerful way for healers to deliver some additional damage, but should not trivialize the most difficult raid encounters.
May 30, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Righteous Frenzy can no longer be cast on non-party members.
- In the Throne of Thunder Dark Animus encounter, the increased damage and attack speed by Anima Golems casting Acceleration Link has been reduced to 100% per stack (was 250%).
- In the Throne of Thunder Iron Qon encounter, Storm Cloud should no longer deal extreme damage to players.
- In A Brewing Storm, Viletongue Skirmishers’ Viletongue Sting now reduces healing by 60% (was 90%).
- Fixed a bug that unintentionally added additional enemy health for highly geared players against Heroic raid bosses.
- Developers’ notes: In combination with previous recent hotfixes, this should result in health and damage versus Heroic raid bosses being as intended for players of higher and lower item levels, so that players of mixed item levels can have a better experience playing together. Overall, players with higher item levels should do greater damage and have greater survivability.
June 3, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Mini Mana Bomb (Horde) and Theramore Tabard (Alliance) are now available from Horos at any Infinite Bazaar for players who have completed Theramore’s Fall for their given faction on any Timerunner.
- Developers’ notes: There is no more need to complete it at exactly level 35.
- Fixed an issue where some steps of the Infinite Power achievements could be skipped for players.
- Tuft of Yak Fur, am I right? Now they stack.
June 6, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Found the missing Sky Admiral Rogers and returned her to her post so that players can continue “Onward and Inward”.
- Chelon now spawns as expected on the Timeless Isle.
June 11, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Players who are holding the Tusks of Mannoroth cosmetic item on their non-plate wearing characters will now see an option on Pythagorus at any Infinite Bazaar to trade their item for a version that they can use to learn the Tusks of Mannoroth appearance for plate characters on their account.
June 12, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Bronze Cache values increased by 100%.
- Minor Bronze Cache (250 → 500)
- Lesser Bronze Cache (500 → 1000)
- Bronze Cache (750 → 1500)
- Greater Bronze Cache (1250 → 2500)
- Spools of Eternal Thread stat gain increased by 200%.
- Minor Spool of Eternal Thread (20 → 60)
- Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread (50 → 150)
- Spool of Eternal Thread (100 → 300)
- Greater Spool of Eternal Thread (180 → 540)
- Emperor Shaohao reputation increased by 700%.
June 18, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Ensemble: Trailseeker’s Laminar Armor (White) now grants the correct set.
June 21, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Fixed an issue causing Echo of Light from Holy Priest to scale incorrectly when there’s a level disparity.
July 3, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- Fixed several issues with the achievement Elusive Foes: Timeless Isles.
August 15, 2024
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
- All players should be able to now see the Mythic Ensemble: Chronomancer for purchase from Pythagorus.